Help shape the future of Invision Community by suggesting new features or giving feedback on existing functionality.
We would love to hear your ideas for future versions of Invision Community. If you see a feature idea already posted that you like, make sure you reply and let us know!
25,489 topics in this forum
configurable individual attachment size
by Guest aoLhaTer- 1 reply
right now you can set the maximum size for all attachments in a post but you cant set the individual allowed size for an attachment this was possible in 1.3 but now in 2.0 where theres multiple uploads per post, theres no setting to limit individual attachments
Last reply by Jasonawojo, -
Exclude groups from Subscription "group" upgrade
by Guest Keven Fox- 2 replies
I use subscription manager and give members a better group with better settings when they subscribe, but I would like to see a feature that allows me to prevent specific groups from being upgraded. As it is now I'm afraid if an administrator buys a subscription they will lose their administratorship hehe
Last reply by Keven Fox, -
Request: Additional Type of Custom Profile Field
by Guest Kazhal- 3 replies
It would be nice to have a special type of text input which is interpreted as a clickable link - similiar to the standard field for the homepage. So the user can add a link to a photoalbum for example. Text Input Drop Down Box Text Area Hyperlink
Last reply by Kazhal, -
PM Address book?
by Guest realdeal- 1 reply
There should be a way to easily select multiple users to send a PM to. I often send PM's to 10 or so members at a time and it would be nice to be able to have your buddy list pop-up so that you can select the members to send the PM to without having to type their usernames in each time. Thanks!
Last reply by Jasonawojo, -
Admin CP
by Guest Keven Fox- 1 reply
No biggy but I use tabbed browsing, and I'd like to see where the title of the AdminCP is something other then "Invision Power Board Admi..." on the tab when I often have Invision Power Board also open on another. Perhaps it could be something like "Admin - Invison Power Board" Like I said just a little thing but thought I'd bring it up.
Last reply by Jasonawojo, -
Suggestion: Welcome Messsage
by Guest UniSol- 2 replies
Hi, It would be great to have a feature where you could write a welcome message and each new user would receive it when they first login, in their inbox would be fine. Useful for information on how to use the board and start posting. Best regards Uni
Last reply by GiDEoN_82, -
Social Networking type system like
by Guest nexthostbiz- 3 replies
Is it really hard for IPB to add the functionality of or or any of the many other social networking systems out there? Basically it just allows any of the members in the system to be able to refer others to sign up to join the site. And then remember the geneology of who referred who to expand the user base of the site. This will go very well with the converge setup since sites members can be linked. Personally i think this functionality should be a base functionality of IPB, but at the least it should be a simple addon product to the blogging or CMS system. Which btw i am VERY curious if there are any updates on when the latest release …
Last reply by nexthostbiz, -
Suggestion: Validating accounts
by Guest genes|s- 8 replies
There's an option to set x number of days to remove these validating registrations. There should also be an option to put these members into a different group, like banned after x number of days. It helps maintain the number of users vs user number.
Last reply by genes|s, -
Automatic posting
by Guest metalsoft- 11 replies
Hi I want to implement a IPB into my news system. If I post a new article there should be a topic in the forum too with the same headline and text. So I need to call the post function somehow to add a topic to the database of the Board. Can anybody give me a hint how to do that ? :charles:
Last reply by Chris Griego, -
Past events on main
by Guest ZainZ- 1 reply
Suggestion 1. There should be an option through which admins can control the "remote images" used in signatures of the users. becasue some users when link to remote images in their signatures, the size and dimensions of the remote image can sometimes interfere with the board's layout. So an option which allows the admin(s) to restrict the dimensions and size of the images used in signatures should be made available :rolleyes: Suggestion 2. Just as IPB displays the forthcoming events to x no. of days, it should also have the option to display the no. of PAST events to x no. of days. e.g. Past events in 60 days blah blah... Sometimes, we need users to know what has a…
Last reply by Myr, -
Featur Suggestion
by Guest Fszone- 7 replies
I still remember this back when I had my invisionfree board. In the mod options it had an option to bump topics, and I was disappointed to see this feature still left out in version 2.0. :( Its quite useful, I used it a lot to reorder pinned topics (Locked Pinned topics also)
Last reply by Myr, -
No edit for birthday in Admin CP?
by Guest K. T. Walrus- 11 replies
I went to edit the birthday for one of my members and I couldn't find any birthday editing support in the Admin CP. Is this just missing? I went to PhpMyAdmin and made the change, but it seems to me that all profile fields should be editable by the board admin.
Last reply by Myr, -
Fast Reply Suggestions
by Guest .John- 13 replies
I have suggestions for the Fast Reply. There should be an option to quote the last reply made and you should be able to use the mulit-quote option with the quick reply aswell.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Emoticons and pics
by Guest jrubzjeknf- 3 replies
HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (w00t) (first post here :D) I've got 2 questions here. First one is about emoticons. I can't seem to upload anyone. When I go to Administration, Manage Emoticons, "Upload an Emoticon to the emoticons directory" and upload my emoticon, I just get the message: "The upload failed". I don't know what to do here, because I don't know where the prob is. Anyone who does know? Second: [shot] tags. I want images to be resized using these, but I don't know how to add the tags. Is there a possibility to add them? Jrubzjeknf
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Private Messages - Reply to all
by Guest Emonair- 0 replies
I just upgraded to IPB 2 and like it so far. I have had a few members ask what the reasoning was for there not to be a reply to all feature in the PM system. What should I tell them?
Last reply by Emonair, -
Personal Messages
by Guest Robnhood- 11 replies
I have a couple of users who always seem to have full mailboxes on my boards. Is it possible for the admin group to send them messages and override their maximum number of messages?
Last reply by Dlf, -
Banned and Validating Members
by Guest Sonic98- 8 replies
If someone is in these two groups, wouldn't it make sense for these 2 primary groups to override any permissions masks or secondary groups. I just moved my 2nd name to the validating group, and I'm still able to do all the stuff I was able to do before. Something needs to be done to keep group options and masks from cancelling each other. There needs to be an option for each group like "can permission masks other than default override this group?" or something like that. I also think the same should be true of of secondary member groups. There should also be an "can secondary member groups override this permission mask?" Or at least an option to choose which options to…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Rate or Flag individual threads
by Guest Sire- 7 replies
I need to be able to extract threads after members have ranked them or selected them for publishing. I could do this with a custom query if the ability to rate threads was built-in but it isn't. What I'm looking for, is the ability to select the Top 10 threads created each month with a query. Either that, or an easy way for the admin/moderator to flag a thread as one of the month's best threads, so that a simple query could extract it.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
user option to delete his own account
by Guest Robnhood- 4 replies
I have had a few cases where a user has asked me to delete their account. Would it be possible for a user to have the option to delete his/her own account?
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Remote Control type feature
by Guest fpouk- 3 replies
i would like to see a little remote control type feature that you can see the latest topics in even when you are not on the forum. has this on their forums and it is very useful. Would love to see this for invisionboard. this feature would be great for your members to see whats happening on your forums without being on the forums.
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Moderator groups
by Guest Wolfie- 4 replies
Sort of like setting a user group to be moderators of a forum, but in a reverse fashion. Let's say, Forum Control -> Moderator Groups When you add a moderator group, you set up all the options that moderator group has and to which forums. Then for each member, you can select them to have 1 or more (if any at all) moderator group access. The benefit is that if you want to remove a certain power (or add a certain power) to a moderator group, it will be in effect for ALL of the forums they have access to. Would also be nice to have an option like "Automatically include any new child forums created?" - example: Cooking forum, with the option selected, and a new…
Last reply by Wolfie, -
Quote +/- on fast reply 1 2
by Guest -Strider-- 25 replies
I think it would be great if the new multi Quote feature worked with fast reply. Its annoying having to reply the long way if i want to quote someone
Last reply by Michael_C, -
Admin option to force member to change e-mail
by Guest Vatoloco- 8 replies
I have a large board and the number of members now with outdated e-mails is getting annoying because of all the bounce backs I get every day. Currently, when I get a mailer-daemon I've been loading up the adminCP, finding the member then running these SQL queries to delete them from e-mail tracking: DELETE FROM ibf_tracker WHERE member_id=9999 DELETE FROM ibf_forum_tracker WHERE member_id=9999 Of course changing the 9999 to whatever there member number is. And I'm not really sure how the PM tracking works, so when I get a bounceback for new pm notifications, I just go in and find all the PM's where the mt_tracking field is 1 and change it to 0. SELECT * FROM ibf…
Last reply by Vatoloco, -
CSS semi converter
by Guest Trel- 0 replies
How about a tool that will take the current CSS layout, and an existing one (not meant for that board version) copy all the information that's compatable over, try to convert what's left and use the default for what it can't fix?
Last reply by Trel, -
Per Member Daily Upload Limit
by Guest Amir2090- 4 replies
I run a board (1.3.1) in which many users post pictures. It's fun and useful but the risk of encountering abuses always occurs, and the whole board turns to a few users' pic gallery and to a waste of webspace. It would be great to find out a way to limit each user's permission to upload a pre-defined number of uploads per day, or even better, per topic. Would this be possible at all?
Last reply by Why Two Kay,