Users do not pass "Security Check" when making a purchase
Yes they are guests and registering during the purchase. I am using Stripe as my payment system, if that is of any help. It isn't happening "all" the time, but I have received a decent number of people saying they are running into this. Once they create the account, THEN go to the purchase everything is fine.
IndianaJoe started following Database New Content Approval , Users do not pass "Security Check" when making a purchase , Potential Bug in Pages and 5 others
Users do not pass "Security Check" when making a purchase
I have an item in my store that people are trying to purchase and get a message that they don't pass the security check. I am not sure what is causing this. I know the work around is that they need to create an account first then are able to complete the purchase. Any tips on what to do to get this fixed?
Potential Bug in Pages
I may have found a bug in the Pages application. I had originally selected the "Post topic" check to post a topic when you added an article and selected a Forum to post to. Later I unchecked the box and had no issues with post of MOST articles. However, I never unselected the forum to post to. When I scheduled an article to be posted later in the day the article would post a topic on the forum. My workaround is to unselect the Forum to post to and the topic won't post to the forum. To reproduce the bug simply turn off "Post Topic" however select a forum to post to and schedule an article to be posted.
[Suggestion] Word Filter by Group
I know we can set a group to bypass all filters. Much like the toolbar settings, would like to be able to set the specific word filter for specific groups only. Currently using gif's is only allowable by specific groups. My case is unique in that I have a couple annoying users that try to be cute using the same word in almost every post, thus I want to limit their ability to use the post.
[Suggestion] Word Filter by Group
Any chance we could implement a word filter by user group? Mainly due to certain users being annoying and using the same word over and over, while others are not abusing it. Thanks
System Logs Error: access_not_configured
All of the URLs are totally different. I'll check to see if it's something with the login.
System Logs Error: access_not_configured
I have had the following error in my System Logs for about a week randomly a couple times a day. This is by different users on different pages each time. Not sure if this is something I should be worried about or not. Array ( [error] => access_not_configured [error_description] => You can't access this app until an admin at your institution reviews and configures access for it. If you need access to this app, [emm_app_verification_uri] => https://admin.google.com/ac/owl/requestapp?app_id=OTE5Njg2OTA2MDYxLTJxYjBtcWdkcmNtbDBhOGJscm03c2dobjZjdnJ2ZHExLmFwcHMuZ29vZ2xldXNlcmNvbnRlbnQuY29t&scopes=204,202,9315 ) Any suggestions on how to prevent the error? Thanks
Rebuild/Refresh Search Results
Ouch... It's Monday please forgive me!
Rebuild/Refresh Search Results
I have manually imported a large amount of data and it looks as if the search is producing errors and giving me strange results. Is there a good way to refresh the search table to garner the proper results? Would emptying that table fix the issue?
Added Application Update
I added a new application(Commerce) to my community. How do I install it on my system as it was added late and there are no updates available? Thanks
CMS Conversion with an image
Thanks, I was hoping that wouldn't be the answer. I'll just be prepared to update them if we need to edit an article.
CMS Conversion with an image
I am in the process of converting a homemade CMS to Invision and in the basics is moving an article table and converting the images. I have the images in a folder in the uploads folder and they show fine when displaying the articles. My issue is when I go to edit the article the image shows 0 kb and it requires me to upload a new image when I go to save the image. Are there any work arounds I can do so that the images are "properly" uploaded to Invision? Note that there are thousands of articles so I don't want to do this manually. I'd guess only the newer ones would need to be reuploaded and would do it manually if needed, just want to see if there is an easier way. Thanks
Database New Content Approval
Thanks, I found it in the Group settings under Content->Bypass content moderation in case anyone else can't find it.
Database New Content Approval
I am hopeful there is a setting for this and I'm just missing it. I have a community where everyone can add new content upon approval from a staff member or admin. My question is how to setup staff that when they submit new content it does not need to go through approval. Admins can do that already and I have made the staff a restricted Admin, however it is still sending emails and requiring approval when someone in the staff group submits new content. The staff group can however approve their own new content. Thanks
Upgraded to 4.7.9 Quote Issue
Well golly gee whiz that worked!
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