Morrigan's post in Is it possible to create an empty sidebar (for ads to show up there)? was marked as the answerIf you have pages you could try adding a custom block with an empty div in it.
Morrigan's post in ACP broken after "Support 'fix database'" was marked as the answerUse the support tool. Your cache needs to be rebuilt.
Morrigan's post in Include posts in Clubs in general forum statistics block was marked as the answerThis doesn't sound accurate as the posts from one of my clubs adds nearly half of my forums posts.
Morrigan's post in Invisible reaction icon was marked as the answer.ipsReact_button { filter: grayscale(0%) brightness(100%); } It will make it look normal. The problem is that the default is meant for the heart and doesn't work well on the yellow emojis.
Morrigan's post in Setting a border around all uploaded photo attachments? was marked as the answer.ipsType_richText img { border: 5px solid #000; }
Morrigan's post in Help: Group Members Don't See All Search Results? was marked as the answerRebuild your search index.
Morrigan's post in Bug: Blog: This site was marked as the answerBugs should always be reported via ticket in the Client Area:
Morrigan's post in Changing task frequency was marked as the answerThere is no way to do this like there was in the 3.0 days. You should likely either post a suggestion or reach out to IPS and explain the issue you're having.
That I know of, the task doesn't need to run in order for it to unlock if they attempt to log in again after their 15 minute timer is up. The task is to clean them up if they didn't attempt again. I THINK!
I know I've never personally had an issue with logging in after I wait through my time out.
Morrigan's post in Profile custom field was marked as the answerThere is no way to do that. Only admins and global mods will be able to edit it.
Morrigan's post in Shaded Bar Background Behind Sub-board Lists? was marked as the answerYour theme is a mess and the person that made these edits made them in the WRONG places.
I would personally recommend you create a new theme (fresh no changes). Use the edit theme to change the base colors and then ask how to change the other things after that.
The person that did this theme originally edited framework.css which is a BIG no, no and will cause you nothing but grief as you upgrade.
The theme itself wouldn't be hard to replicate and get working to what it looks like now. It seems to be primarily default with a ton of color edits and some added images.
That's my true recommendation. However if you just want to fix it issue by issue and not resolve your core issue this is how you fix your current one:
.ipsBreadcrumb, .ipsList_inline, .ipsList_reset, .cSignedIn, #elUserNav, .ipsList_inline, .ipsList_reset, .cSignedIn { background: transparent; background-color: transparent; background-image: none; }
Morrigan's post in Profile Header Background Loading in Different Colors? was marked as the answerThis is actually working as intended. The issue you're having there with the big checks showing is that it looks like the image is tiny and the CSS was likely changed.
.ipsCoverPhoto_container { background: black !important; } Add that to the bottom of your custom CSS to override the behavior.
Morrigan's post in SOLVED: how to disable "Mark as read"? was marked as the answerFind this template:
forums > front > index > forumRow
Find this:
{{if !$forum->redirect_on}} {{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}}<a href="{{if $isSubForum}}{$forum->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'markRead', 'return' => $forum->parent_id ) )->csrf()}{{else}}{$forum->url()->setQueryString( 'do', 'markRead' )->csrf()}{{endif}}" data-action='markAsRead' title='{lang="mark_forum_read"}' data-ipsTooltip>{{endif}} {{endif}} Remove it and then find this:
{{if !$forum->redirect_on and \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $forum ) AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} </a> {{endif}} And remove it as well.
Morrigan's post in Background Color of a Page was marked as the answerThemes > Click edit on your theme > front end colors tab > Body background
If this doesn’t change it then you need to talk to the theme author.
Morrigan's post in IPB 4.5 - Message on Board Index was marked as the answerIf you have Pages you can create a custom block.
Morrigan's post in Site Not Loading Properly was marked as the answerCTRL+F in the admin panel for "support" is normally the easiest way but:
Is the normal URL.
Then "something isn't working correctly" and continue. It will clear the site cache which SHOULD fix the missing files issue.
Morrigan's post in IPB 4.5 PM Inbox on mobile was marked as the answerHamburger Menu > Click envelope > Click "Go to inbox
If you don't have the hamburger menu then you need to fix your custom theme.
Morrigan's post in IPB 4.5 - Customizing the index page forums listing? was marked as the answerIn forums > front > index > forumRow Find and remove this:
{{if $forum->hasChildren()}} <ul class="ipsDataItem_subList ipsList_inline"> {{foreach $forum->children() as $subforum}} <li class="{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}ipsDataItem_unread{{endif}}"> <a href="{$subforum->url()}">{{if \IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum )}}<span class='ipsItemStatus ipsItemStatus_tiny {{if !\IPS\forums\Topic::containerUnread( $subforum ) && !$subforum->redirect_on}}ipsItemStatus_read{{endif}}'><i class="fa fa-circle"></i></span> {{endif}}{$subforum->_title}</a> </li> {{endforeach}} </ul> {{endif}}
Morrigan's post in Customize the registration page was marked as the answerWell the text is likely translatable in the Language.
As far as the look of the labels:
[data-pagecontroller="register"] .ipsFieldRow_label { Change the look here. }