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Dextro Energy

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  1. Well, say a user tries to make 10 posts in a very short amount of time - I think it'd be good cause to hide all the posts and put any further posts into an approval queue (or just prevent them) all together until a staff member doots along and decides what to do next (ban them or undo whatever was automatically done if false positive) I look forward to it!
  2. I already have something like this set up, but this "crowdsourced moderation" method is very ineffective for spam this bad: This day was around 20 accounts (cant fit all on same page/screenshot), averaging about 20 posts each. Since we've gotten accounts 5 a day, with a very high amount of posts each (one reached 147 before being banned). Something automatic is highly desired! Very frustrating for sure.
  3. I appreciate this! I'll go with it if there is no free alternative (it also doesn't seem to have auto moderator actions)?
  4. Hey! I'm getting scam accounts that make upto 147 topics/posts in around 10 minutes which is quite ridicolous (they usually tend to make around 20~, 147 is the current record). I have used the "Flood control" setting to prevent so many posts in a certain timeframe, but, it would be wonderful if there was a setting to apply moderation if a certain number of posts are made within a given timeframe rather than this. Is there one? I can't seem to find it. I understand it may cause false positives, but whoever is creating 10 times in 1 minute probably needs a break/checkup too.
  5. Alright, I narrowed it down a little more. Hopefully with this, @Jim M, you can replicate it: 1. Create a post with a spoiler that contains an image (or multiple) above a combined total of 300 height: 2. Quote the post in another post: 3. Expand: 4. Reveal hidden contents: Bad steps to replicate before with unneeded guff, my bad.
  6. I meant on here, so I could show it on here. My bad! 😛
  7. It's on a localhost, can't link... I'm not all too sure what to say about the expand thing, here's an example from start to finish: chrome_fmIND8QJo6.mp4 The edit in the original video was just a spelling mistake change. Maybe it's something special about the two images? I'll try and put them in a spoiler below but I'm not all too sure if you have them BBCode enabled (no option to make them on the toolbar that I can see). [spoiler] [/spoiler]
  8. Hey! Please view the video below. I feel it portrays the issue much better than I can describe with words. chrome_G4uEny2h0O.mp4 Basically, if you expand a quote and then expand a spoiler within that quote, it will break outside of the quote, and interfere with other elements. Any way to fix this?
  9. Thanks! This is just what I'm looking for. Going to stretch my luck and also ask; is there any way to make points also show on a profile? Say... to replace reputation.
  10. On an author card there is info like number of posts and solutions, but any way to show number of achievement points? like... {number="$comment->author()->achievement_points"}? Thanks in advance!
  11. Cheers. Toolbox was just a lot easier to set up for people! 😞
  12. Hello! I can no longer find the SQL Toolbox in Get Support -> SQL Toolbox. Was it moved or removed? Thanks.
  13. You know what, I just tested it myself again and this time it didn't happen this time. How odd? I'm not too sure what to say. I figured it out... how embarassing. One of our Forum moderators just royally cocked it up and tried to cover their tracks without saying anything; but logs don't lie! My bad.
  14. https://gflclan.com/topic/80967-political-compass-2022/
  15. Hey! I just merged a fairly large topic (lets call it X) with a smaller one (Y) that was basically exactly the same in terms of premise. X had a poll on it with quite a lot of votes, but upon merging Y into X - the poll disappeared from X! Is this intended behaviour? I did not see a warning that, that may happen (might just be my ignorance). Is there anyway to get that poll back? Topic X was also unpromoted (is this intended when merging as well?), that isn't too much of a problem as it can just be promoted again, no real harm there though is there any way to stop that from happening in future? Thanks in advance.