SeNioR-'s post in PageSpeed Insights SEO Issue: Links are not crawlable was marked as the answerReferring to the topic "Links are not crawlable" and toggleQuote is Creating Errors in PageSpeed, you can also improve the spoiler code.
ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler'> </a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); to
ips.templates.set('core.editor.spoilerHeader', " \ <div class='ipsSpoiler_header ipsSpoiler_closed'>\ <a href='#' data-action='toggleSpoiler' aria-label='{{#lang}}toggle_spoiler{{/lang}}> </a>\ <span>{{#lang}}spoilerClickToReveal{{/lang}}</span>\ </div>\ "); Temporary JS fix:
{{if !\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id and \in_array( \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controller, array( 'topic', 'page' ) )}} <script async> $(document).ready(function() { $('.ipsQuote_citation a.ipsPos_right').remove(); $('.ipsSpoiler_header a[data-action="toggleSpoiler"]').attr({ 'title': '{lang="topic_approve"}', 'aria-label': '{lang="topic_approve"}'}); $('.ipsQuote a.ipsTruncate_more').attr({ 'title': '{lang="expand"}', 'href': '#', 'onclick': 'return false;', 'rel': 'nofollow'}); }); </script> {{endif}} -
SeNioR-'s post in CDN for guest page serving was marked as the answerSettings:
SeNioR-'s post in [BUG] Approval Queue always shows 1 was marked as the answerIt looks like a cache, because after 5 minutes the counter resets. Therefore, it is not a bug, although the counter could refresh immediately.
SeNioR-'s post in 4.7.7 Cron was marked as the answer
SeNioR-'s post in Locked out of my admin account and reset password email not sending was marked as the answerYou can change these settings.
SeNioR-'s post in Redirect attack attempt was marked as the answerNormal. There are plenty of attacks like this or the search engine.
SeNioR-'s post in Converted board, can I make the :) shortcut create a new, modern emoji? was marked as the answerUnless he makes a copy of the emoticons directory first, removes the emoticons from ACP and uploads the copy of the emoticons directory.
SeNioR-'s post in Searchbar size was marked as the answerAdd this code to your custom.css file:
#elSearch { width: 265px; } -
SeNioR-'s post in [Bug] A page that should not be indexed. was marked as the answerI noticed that search engines index pages like this:
SeNioR-'s post in IPS 4.6.10: Bug with "Can edit profile information?" option was marked as the answerI noticed that after updating to 4.6.10, the "Can edit profile information?" option stopped working. After turning it off, I can still edit my profile picture and other information from the front view.
SeNioR-'s post in small BUG with submenu on the blog was marked as the answera small error with secondary menu on the blog 😉
SeNioR-'s post in Problem with ranks was marked as the answerMarc, I understand that but Vegaz is the same nationality as me, he mentioned that he doesn't know English so well as you.
He will understand faster when I write him a solution in his native language, right? The solution is that ranks are given on the basis of points, not posts as it was in 4.5.
SeNioR-'s post in What is this loading on profile page? was marked as the answerI don't see any problem here. The content is loaded for a few seconds after entering the profile in order to load the profile page faster and load the most recent content.
On my smartphone, the profile is loaded for about 2-3 seconds max.
SeNioR-'s post in Add group id to post was marked as the answerHi! Please check my post
SeNioR-'s post in [Potential bug] Empty field in user profiles was marked as the answerNow the "Recent Profile Visitors" block is displayed. Strange because yesterday this block was not there.
SeNioR-'s post in Enable number of solutions in topicview? was marked as the answerHi gaby.
If a forum does not have the "Solving" option turned on, the counter will not be shown in the topic.
Community --> Forums --> Display Settings --> Enable Solved?
SeNioR-'s post in What're minimum server requirements for 4.6 ? was marked as the answerHi.
The minimum requirements are included in the ips4.php file (Invision Community Requirements Checker) and in requirements
PHP 7.2.0 MySQL: 5..5.3 Recommended
PHP 7.4.0 MySQL: 5.6.2 -
SeNioR-'s post in constants.php was marked as the answerThis was added in IPS 4.4 or 4.5.
Adding backslash means "load from the root namespace for performance reasons".
Using the root namespace allows PHP to use Opcode to run the function which can be much quicker.
More: Strange Whoops! on 4.4.1
SeNioR-'s post in Adblock won't allow affiliate links to open - how to stop? was marked as the answerSteve,
go to ACP --> SYSTEM --> Settings --> Posting.
Now go to Links Tab.
Uncheck "Force posted links to open in new windows?"