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I started an article (hidden) a little over a year ago and am now ready to publish it. I have since created a new category where that article belongs. 

If I publish (unhide) the article today, I want it to have today's date as the publication date, and I also want to move it to the correct category. 

How can I do that? 

Solved by opentype

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Moving between categories is an admin option both on the front- and the back-end. You just click “move”. 

Changing the publishing date depends on the field “publishing date” being activated in the field settings. 

Edited by opentype

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29 minutes ago, opentype said:

Moving between categories an admin option both on the front- and the back-end. You just click “move”. 


Thanks! Super easy. I was looking for a "category" field when editing the article - but this makes sense, much like moving a forum topic to a new forum. 

30 minutes ago, opentype said:

Changing the publishing date depends on the field “publishing date” being activated in the field settings. 

Thanks again. Publishing date was enabled however even I, the admin, didn't have permissions to edit it. Giving it the proper permissions fixed it. 

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