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I’ve been using this software, and this company for many years and with recent changes to how support is offered it leaves something to be desired. There’s no means to directly reach IPS employees for technical matters; which there should be. Having to post in a community where potentially sensitive information can be gleaned out of a post. We are not supporting T-shirts or physical products. Here this is a piece of software that requires extensive knowledge and understanding to properly, maintain and run. It is the job of the software developer to provide at least a basic level of service with their software. Not rely upon their customers to do that for them. With add-ons this software can cost up to $300 a year and yet there’s no way to actually interface with a human employee for anything that involves the software being nonfunctional. Currently, Support is like and to that have an open source software product where you post on a message board, wait and hope that someone might eventually look at your post. That’s not acceptable for a paid product. In the past IPS had stated that the reasoning for their moving to community best support was that because so many issues were just very simple questions or extremely similar issues. There are people who only use support for actual systems level issues that require a technician with advanced knowledge of the software. These are not simple questions such as “how do I post a message” or “ what are the requirements of the software” these sorts of things are what a knowledge base is for. Issues with client specific set up, should not be a public matter, because that creates a major security vulnerability, especially if somebody provides access to their information or a link to their forum, which I have seen posted here many many many times. Even providing a link to an area where the server is miss configured, and the software is not functioning properly can cause nefarious people to be able to access a users sensitive information. The procedure needs to change, and there should be a means to reach a human should that be necessary… not post and hope an employee might see the request and look at it. Even massive corporations like a cPanel which get hundreds to thousands of service request a day provide a private means to reach a technical support representative in the event that a matter is not appropriate for support in there forum.

Hi. Is very simple... Contact US and you will talk to them separately.

It has been spied several times that the service has changed only partially. Those seeking immediate answers can also be helped by the community. Those who do not want to write in public can contact them in the way indicated above.

  • Management

All support starts on the community. If we cannot help you in public, we will move your post to a support ticket. We do it all the time 🙂

We do not provide server-level support either way though. Anything server-related is on you to sort.

  • Management

Just to add that our community support forums are fully staffed and each new topic will be read by a member of staff.

On 4/2/2023 at 4:07 PM, Charles said:

All support starts on the community. If we cannot help you in public, we will move your post to a support ticket. We do it all the time 🙂

Are you okay with a topic that just says "I need help, please contact me"?
If so you should say that in a pinned topic, there have been to many examples of customers that have disclosed information, either by mistake or ignorance.

  • Management

I think it's highly individual on what customers are willing to share. We'd need a little more than just a "Support needed thanks" post, but if you let us know roughly what the issue was "_____ doesn't work when _____" and if we couldn't solve the problem from that description (known issue, etc) and upon asking for a little more information you chose to say that you'd rather keep your URL and such private, then we'd convert it into a ticket.

All we ask is that you use that fairly 😅 We'd not be able to turn every single topic into a ticket.

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