Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted September 12, 201212 yr There should be a setting to choose which user groups can see the active users list: the line at the bottom where it says "X users are online (in the past X minutes)". At the moment, the setting is for either everybody to see it, or nobody at all including Admins, via the CPU Savings page. I think I've seen other posts where people have asked for this although I can't now find one specifically requesting it. So I apologise if this is a duplicate of someone else's request for the same thing... :smile:
September 12, 201212 yr U mean only list at board index or using "who is online'? Try this: Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > Choose the group u dont want to see that things, at tab "Forum", u can see "Can view online user lists"
September 13, 201212 yr Author I mean on the board index, at the bottom, where it says "X users are online (in the past X minutes)" and where it also shows "47 members, 183 guests, 2 anonymous users (See full list)" and below shows the names of members online during those "X minutes". It's always been like that, visible to the whole world without being able to choose who can see it, or hidden from everybody, from version 1 onwards (as far as I can remember) :sad: The Member Group setting you mention isn't the same thing - it allows or disallows member groups to see or not see the list of online users when you click "(see full list)" next to "X users are online (in the past X minutes)". It doesn't hide the part above. Not every forum owner wants all member groups and guests to see how many people are using the forum in the past X minutes or who the members are that have been using the forum in the past X minutes. I have one forum where we only want Admins to see it and not anybody else; and another forum where we don't want guests to see it. It's the same with "Users browsing this forum" and "Users browsing this topic" which are also in the CPU Settings page (in System Settings - Advanced tab). Either the whole world can see it or nobody can. We'd therefore like to have an option to choose which member groups can see any of those 3 settings :smile:
September 13, 201212 yr At: Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in IP.Board The easy one: remove that line :> Or using "If statement" in your skin, only chossen group can see this.<if test="in_array($this->memberData['member_group_id'], array(3,4,5) )"> ///Board stat, user online, Code here </if> 3,4,5 are example user ID group. U can check it at ACP: Member Groups > Manage Member Groups
September 13, 201212 yr I mean on the board index, at the bottom, where it says "X users are online (in the past X minutes)" and where it also shows "47 members, 183 guests, 2 anonymous users (See full list)" and below shows the names of members online during those "X minutes". It's always been like that, visible to the whole world without being able to choose who can see it, or hidden from everybody, from version 1 onwards (as far as I can remember) :sad: The Member Group setting you mention isn't the same thing - it allows or disallows member groups to see or not see the list of online users when you click "(see full list)" next to "X users are online (in the past X minutes)". It doesn't hide the part above. Not every forum owner wants all member groups and guests to see how many people are using the forum in the past X minutes or who the members are that have been using the forum in the past X minutes. I have one forum where we only want Admins to see it and not anybody else; and another forum where we don't want guests to see it. It's the same with "Users browsing this forum" and "Users browsing this topic" which are also in the CPU Settings page (in System Settings - Advanced tab). Either the whole world can see it or nobody can. We'd therefore like to have an option to choose which member groups can see any of those 3 settings :smile: if ( $this->settings['show_active'] && $this->memberData['gbw_view_online_lists'] ) { i quite seriously beg to differ, said group setting does, in fact, do exactly what you describe, and is honoured throughout any API usage that does not override as well.
September 13, 201212 yr Author Oh ack! I feel an idiot! :blush: I've got two forums, one on 3.3.4 and one still on 3.1.4 (about to upgrade). On 3.1.4, I forgot the setting "Can view online user lists" isn't there... :ohmy: so it doesn't work there at all. On 3.3.4, setting it does hide the Active Users List as well as the Online Users List :grin: As I was working on the 3.1.4 forum and was so used to it not being on it, I took it for granted the setting did something similar to 3.1.4... or I thought it was a new part of the "View Online List Permissions" hook which I've used for years :blush: BUT... nevertheless, it shows "0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list)" when set to not show the Online Users List, which looks ridiculous as it makes it look as if the forum has no users at all! I did have a problem with the 3.3.4 forum when it was upgraded where it showed "0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list)" to everybody, even if that setting was set to show the Online Users Lists. I had to open a ticket about it, and it turned out to be a configuration problem which IPS had to fix manually using a tool they have. I now wonder if it didn't fix it completely? Surely, that line should also be hidden if it's set to not show the Online Users List?
September 13, 201212 yr <if test="showActive:|:$this->settings['show_active'] && $this->memberData['gbw_view_online_lists']"> AFAIK it is... at least looking at 3.3.4 board index, would need to go look to be certain at forum/topic level.
September 13, 201212 yr This must be the first time i've heard of a person wanting a forum to look dead to a group of people. Usually people are trying to bloat it instead.
September 13, 201212 yr Author would need to go look to be certain at forum/topic level. I've just tried it. If a member group is not set to "Can view online user lists", then they can't see "Users browsing this forum" and "Users browsing this topic" either. This must be the first time i've heard of a person wanting a forum to look dead to a group of people. Usually people are trying to bloat it instead. Errrm, if that's aimed at me, I don't recall saying I wanted a forum to look dead? I said I didn't want people seeing how many active users were online, which is different. The forum wouldn't look dead as there'd be new topics and posts. For some forums, the list of active online users is a matter of privacy - some people register not to post but for other reasons and may therefore not want to be seen in the list of active users, or may not even want all other members to know they're members. The fact that it's showing "0 members, 0 guests, 0 anonymous users (See full list)" to member groups who are set not to "View online user lists" must surely be a glitch of some sort and is definitely NOT what we (or anyone, I should think) would want!
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