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  1. itismejoey replied to Makoto's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Looking to see if this will be an acceptable replacement to the following application below. I had used it in the past, but unfortunately it hasn't been updated in a while. Additionally, can these be used within Saved Actions, which is where we'd use them the most? Thanks!
  2. Is there a way to send the applicant to their topic that was created when they submit? I know there's the Redirect Target option, but how do we know what the target of their topic is? Thanks!
  3. Whatever you did seemed to do the trick. Thanks!
  4. The website URL is below. I also included the application that I was attempting to use, which I just renewed. https://community.midwestrp.net Staff Application Forms - Contact Us, Polls, all the forms
  5. Our primary license holder added my account as an alternate contact. After doing so I expected to be able to access the Marketplace from within the AdminCP. However this is not the case. I can access the Client Area and view the community and access the options to manage the purchase. Is there something else that needs to happen in order for me to use the Marketplace?
  6. Life saver!
  7. Unless I am blind, is there a way to change the prefix from the topic view (just like you'd be able to do with tags)?
  8. 4.4.2 now.
  9. Great that works. Kinda... I'd like it so that my members can't set the status and priority. Is that a possible permission to set that only certain groups can change those fields? Also, am I supposed to see an area that I can change the fields? https://gyazo.com/086f15c1f151ddd2e5df8f0a5883d445
  10. Great resource you have here, thanks for creating it! Sorry if this was asked before, but how does someone change the status of the ticket? It appears that the only way to do so is to edit the original post and change it that way. Is there something I am missing?
  11. itismejoey replied to MrFisc's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hello, I seem to be having an issue where I get the below error. Not sure if it has to do with what I am entering into the ACP. If you could shoot me a PM with assistance I would appreciate it. Thanks! Call to undefined function IPS\ts3integration\TsAdmin\socket_create()