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admin sv

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  1. <style> {{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_shadowonhover']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_shadowonhover']}} #story_{$widgetKey}.stories:not(.carousel.custom):not(.snapmessenger.carousel) .story { padding:10px; } #story_{$widgetKey}.stories .story { transition: box-shadow .40s; border-radius:4px; } #story_{$widgetKey}.stories .story:hover { box-shadow: rgba(var(--theme-text_color), 0.27) 0px 0px 0.25em, rgba(var(--theme-text_color), 0.05) 0px 0.25em 1em; } {{endif}} </style> <div class="ipsBox"> {{if !empty($wconfig['valastory_w_title']) || !empty($wconfig['valastory_w_addstorybtn'])}} <h2 class="ipsType_sectionTitle" style="display:flex;{{if empty($wconfig['valastory_w_title']) && !empty($wconfig['valastory_w_addstorybtn'])}}justify-content:end;{{else}}justify-content:space-between;{{endif}}align-items: center;{{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_addstoryasbtn']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_addstoryasbtn']}}padding: var(--sp-2) var(--sp-5);{{endif}}"><span class="valastories-header-title">{$wconfig['valastory_w_title']}</span> {{if $wconfig['valastory_w_addstorybtn'] and \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id}} {{if !\IPS\valastory\modules\front\story\story::getMemberBanStatus(\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id)}} <span style="font-size:.8em;font-weight:normal"> <a style="top:0" href='{url="app=valastory&module=story&controller=submit"}' class="{{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_addstoryasbtn']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_addstoryasbtn']}}ipsButton ipsButton_small ipsButton_important{{endif}}" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="valastory_createstory_title"}'> <i class="fa fa-plus-circle"></i> <span class="valastories-add-story-btn">{lang="valastory_w_addstorytitle"}<span></span></a></span> {{endif}} {{endif}} </h2> {{endif}} <div class="ipsPad" style="width:inherit!important;padding:0"> {{if $counter > 0}} <div class="story-data-object" data-story="stories_{$widgetKey}" data-setting="{$storySetting}" data-carouselsetting="{$carousel}" style="{{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_boxheight']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_boxheight'] > 0}}max-height: {$wconfig['valastory_w_boxheight']}px;overflow-y: auto;{{endif}}"> <div id="objects" class="storyobjects"> <div data-object="{$stories}" data-ttu='{lang="valastory_front_touchtounmute"}'></div> </div> <div class="valastories {{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_direction']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_direction']=='r'}}valastories-carousel owl-carousel owl-theme {{endif}}" id="story_{$widgetKey}" style="padding:20px;width:100%;height:auto!important;{{if isset($wconfig['valastory_w_direction']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_direction']=='c'}}display:flex;flex-wrap:wrap;justify-content: {{if !empty($wconfig['valastory_w_alignment']) and $wconfig['valastory_w_alignment']=="s"}}flex-start;{{else}}center{{endif}}{{else}}display:grid{{endif}};"> </div> {{else}} <p style="padding:15px;">{lang='valastory_nodata_to_show'}</p> {{endif}} </div> </div>
  2. admin sv replied to ReyDev's post in a topic in Marketplace
    the plugin gave me an error even when updating, I deactivated it and when I wanted to activate it it made the new version 4.7.4 unstable, I had to "uninstall" but it still does not allow an uninstall even when I disconnect it. Now it doesn't allow me to uninstall or reinstall, the market only tells me that I have it installed with no other option. I need to use it, but I have no way to solve my problem.
  3. admin sv replied to ReyDev's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Hi, how do I reinstall the plugin, in the last update of invision it gave me an error, I uninstalled it but it doesn't allow it, I try to reinstall and it doesn't allow it either, it only gives me the option to deactivate. what should I do?
  4. admin sv started following ReyDev
  5. admin sv replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    hi, i install, make permission but dont see the tools on edit menu, i use cloud ips last version 4.7.0 any another step?
  6. apparently it is a css error, the system when clicking on any menu, button or link shows its call in the navigation bar example url/#elUserLink_menu, it does not show the image galleries created in some forum, it only shows the added text, there is Is there any way to solve a problem of this type on this side when the system is in the cloud? PS: I disabled all the modules and enabled them, there was no positive effect either.
  7. I want to know if I can reduce the space used for boxes in the display view???
  8. Hi! @opentype! I just bought your supertopic plugin and I want to know if I can reduce the space used for boxes in the display view. It seem's too big. @opentype The imaged used is only the attachment? it doesn't work with an URL image.
  9. admin sv replied to Adriano Faria's post in a topic in Marketplace
    Can I create a differents blocks to display in my home page? I don't want the standard (Pinned links, etc.). For example, I want to have a block that display the categories but with the view of "Pinned links" (see the images of the links). Another question, can I setup this pluggin that when the user click the link it goes directly to the link and no to the "link info view"??????? @Adriano FariaThx a lot!
  10. I recently tried but the reported problem persist. I can't edit and don't show my store products.