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  1. I bought this thinking it worked the other way...Discord Roles to sync into IPS... Heres why I really need this solution. We use Patreon as our support platform. Patreon<>IPS integrations are poop at best. However Patreon<>Discord integration is tight, and live, and rock solid. My cleanest most up to date data of supporter tiers is on Discord, I was hoping to sync their Discord roles to the matching roles I have existing on IPS. Doable? Perhaps future update? +1
  2. It did it again, it seems the "REFRESH TOKEN" changes on Patreon and that breaks the integration. Thoughts?
  3. Will PM you!
  4. Got this all set up and running, but people mysteriously lose their tier thru ought the day. They are synced one minute, later in the day they arent. Causing a bit of chaos, can you assist on what could be happening? -e
  5. Hi there, just purchased this, posted a sticky and it looks like they don't post to the site. I created one that contained an image (image was a link to a URL). Mind having a look?
  6. Purchased and installed but having issues getting any secondary groups to show up: The following user is part of a secondary group with an icon: http://www.theskylounge.tv/profile/4701-angeli662/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjk3MDAsImlkXzIiOjE1MTU2fQ== UPDATE: Disabled plugin: SL Fine tuning IPS Now works, please make it work alongside this one, as it has many many other very useful features.
  7. QUESTION: How come when i add a CHANNEL it pulls the latest update (DESIRED OUTCOME). But when I add it as PLAYLIST it shows episode 1 first? (NOT DESIRED) We show 1 video on our homepage and I'd love it to be the most recent addition to the playlist...
  8. agreed on this. Or the option to move it about the 4 corners. @opentype ping...
  9. Also the ability to add more "thumbnails" underneath would be AMAZING, to fill up the filmroll to the edge.
  10. FEEDBACK: - Please let us SHOW / HIDE the title bar at the top of the module - Please let us SHOW / HIDE the title of the embedded video under the embed
  11. Just purchased, can't seem to upload the file, filename for the .xml also starts with a ( . ) thoughts? RESOLVED: Scratch that, seems i unzipped the MACOS version which was incorrect.
  12. @Nathan Explosion So you're telling me that I could upload my .mp4 to Dropbox...link it in our forum, and this will provide our visitor with a playable video!?
  13. widget on side, rss no longer feeding avatar image as OG IMAGE, now correct to first image in post: no control, its web protocol lol.
  14. Here is a URL that exists in the current RSS feed: http://www.theskylounge.tv/topic/7037-ai-aircraft-combat/ Here is how facebook posted it: At the facebook sharing debugger link, it showed the same image as above, until i disabled the plugin, and hit the "SCRAPE AGAIN" option. At which time it changed to this: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.theskylounge.tv%2Ftopic%2F7037-ai-aircraft-combat%2F -e top of the page, avatars not names.
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