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Unrestricted Bulk Mail

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About This File

This plugin will restore a feature from IP.Board 3 which allows admin to choose if wants to send bulk mail to ALL members or to members who opted to receive news and information.



29 minutes ago, Fred Krugger said:

Hello, how it could be enhanced to send information from certain forums and recently written (news, news)

You better use the Newsletter app available in the marketplace. This one here isn’t for this purpose. 

  • 4 months later...
  • 3 months later...
Just now, ASI said:

Does it send to banned members as well?

This plugin only restricts members who agreed or not to receive. Send the emails is handled by the Core. But replying to your question, no it Bulk Mail isn't send to banned members:

	 * Retrieve the query to fetch members based on our filters
	 * @param	array|int	$option		A constant to fetch counts only or an array with the limit to apply to the query
	 * @return	\IPS\Db\Select
	public function getQuery( $option=NULL )
		/* Compile where */
		$where = array();
		$where[] = array( "core_members.allow_admin_mails=1" );
		$where[] = array( "core_members.temp_ban=0" );


temp_ban = 0 is not banned.

  • 6 months later...

Although I can’t test it now, the error seems to be not related to the plugin itself. It is installed like any other plugin, using Core pages/methods. 

I would try to run the support tool on ACP and contact IPS if it insists. 

  • 3 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 years later...

Thank you so much for being a client!

The Invision Community Marketplace is closing on October 30, 2023, so I am moving all of my files over to my personal site www.sosinvision.com.br.

You will find information on my website www.sosinvision.com.br:

Bookmark https://www.sosinvision.com.br/ and the new Marketplace Directory www.Invisioneer.org.  

1 hour ago, Mercury Forever said:

Hello, your page does not allow registration, despite entering a complex password, it always indicates that you have not passed that validation point.

It’s the hCaptcha; something not right with it.

Try now, please.

Note: there’s no validating account at the moment.

Password is set to Strong.

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