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Posted April 7, 200915 yr Can we get the rewrite rules for ipb 3.0 for nginx? The rewrite docs are here
April 8, 200915 yr I don't think we plan on supporting natively anything other than Apache mod_rewrite. If a user wants to convert the .htaccess mod_rewrite rules for nginx (or any other rewrite software) and post them for us, we'll probably compile a KB entry with the info. Only the equivalent to the .htaccess rewrite rules would need to be converted.
October 20, 200915 yr i'd like to hook in here. Why not officially support nginx? Nginx is the most attractive Webserver currently, especially for sites taking more than the basic 1000 visits a day. More and more software products support or even recommend nginx. It would be great to see IP.* in this line. Nevertheless: Probably anyone around already collected experiences with nginx and ip.board?
October 20, 200915 yr We have customers using nginx. There's nothing on our end we need to do to "support" it. :) I'd tend to think a webserver that you need to code for specially wouldn't be all that useful, unless everyone coded for it...
October 20, 200915 yr Another option is to use litespeed which support mod_rewrite rules. The downside is that it's not free. But, the performance is up there with nginx.
October 21, 200915 yr We have customers using nginx. There's nothing on our end we need to do to "support" it. :) I'd tend to think a webserver that you need to code for specially wouldn't be all that useful, unless everyone coded for it... Hmmm... Is there anything special that has to be done in order to get IPB working on nginx? Except mod_rewrite... :) I mean is the switch to nginx simple as just instlling nginx and that's it? Or something else need's to be done? :)
October 21, 200915 yr As far as I know, not taking into account any mod_rewrite functionality, yes. You just put the IPB stuff on an nginx webserver and that's it. You naturally need to have php and all the required php extensions, but we do not use server-specific extensions within IPB so you shouldn't have any problems there. FURLs can work out of the box on nginx, without mod_rewrite, by putting /index.php/ in the URL (i.e. You can alternatively convert the mod rewrite rules to nginx within it's config file, and then enable the .htaccess setting in IPB's ACP (you won't really have a .htaccess file, but this tells IPB not to add /index.php/ to the URL) as well, if you are familiar with nginx and it's mod_rewrite syntax.
October 21, 200915 yr Ok, so all i need to do is just install some other webserver and everything will work. That's what i want. :) Ill test this soon with nginx and lighttpd and hopefully the only problem will be converting mod_rewrite. ;) If everything works out ill just start new topic about that mod_rewrite on different web servers.
November 10, 200915 yr For those of you still looking for this.... here's a thread regarding this here:,187.0.html here's what you'd need to add to your config file it looks like: location /pathtoforums/ { index index.php index.htm index.html; try_files $uri $uri/ /pathtoforums/index.php?q=$uri; } location /pathtoforums { index index.php index.htm index.html; try_files $uri $uri/ /pathtoforums/index.php?q=$uri; } Not too sure if this is the same thing as what mod_rewrite would do, but it seems to work great for me.
May 5, 201212 yr I know this is an old thread, but for an FYI, when we turned on NGiNX with the above methods it broke pagination site wide. We could no longer paginate in ip.content with nginx using that code in the config.
June 22, 201212 yr Just managed to get this set up myself after quite some time. It's pretty annoying that there's no official resource for this because Nginx is becoming increasingly popular and I suspect the majority of people don't bother to post their solution once they finally decipher the conflicting methods out there and get it working. So, here's what worked for me: server { server_name; access_log off; root /var/www/; location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args; } location ~ .php$ { include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /var/www/$fastcgi_script_name; } } The only bit I actually added was this: location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args; } If I were running in a subdomain it'd be more like this: location /somesubdomain/ { try_files $uri $uri/ /somesubdomain/index.php?q=$uri&$args; } location /somesubdomain { try_files $uri $uri/ /somesubdomain/index.php?q=$uri&$args; } I noticed the poster above said the solution posted earlier in this thread didn't work properly for pagination. That is most likely because that solution doesn't include the $args part, which presumably carries information like. And of course, in addition to all this make sure you have the FURL options enabled in your admin area and tell IP.Board to use a HTACCESS.
June 22, 201212 yr thanks Ryan. Maybe someone could update the nginx wiki with this information. see: then maybe:
September 21, 201212 yr After much turmoil I have managed it on my own server. I hope to make this an informative post governing some of the pitfalls I came across when setting up my sites-available file. Firstly: Here is my completed config file. Some was set up by a previous admin who had more experience with nginx than me. I had to modify his default file when I moved my forums. I'll explain the parts I changed: This is not in nginx.conf. It is in the sites-available directory and symlinked to sites-enabled which is included within nginx.conf. listen 80; server_name; access_log /var/log/nginx/forums.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/forums.error.log; root /var/www/forums/someotherdirectory/public_html; location /{ //No need for /var/www/forums/.... here. autoindex on; //Not really necessary, I was trying to debug, still never managed to get indexing to work anyway! index index.php index.htm index.html; //Can probably come out of the location block try_files $uri $uri/ /var/www/fourms/someotherdirectory/public_html/index.php?q=$uri&$args; //Rewriting as shown above } ## Parse all .php files in the /var/www directorylocation ~ .php$ {fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+.php)(.*)$; fastcgi_pass backend;fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; (used to be /var/www <- This was the final piece of the puzzle, before this I tried /var/www/fourms/someotherdirectory/public_html/ which failed, after this correction was made the actual site worked, albeit missing its css which was due to the incorrect board_url in the conf_global file.) include fastcgi_params; fastcgi_intercept_errors on; fastcgi_ignore_client_abort off; fastcgi_connect_timeout 60;} } upstream backend {server;} server { Now the most important thing that prevented errors for me after this point was in nginx.conf the user directive was set to www-data. Whereas our files were chowned game:modg. In an attempt to not further modify permissions to 777 for everything xD! I changed the user directive to the owner of the files and this made the 403 errors disappear. Some of my sources:http://nginxlibrary....orbidden-error/ I hope this helps.
September 23, 201212 yr I have config files like this in /etc/nginx/sites-available. These are symlinked to sites-enabled and loaded in nginx.conf from there. After finding out that these configs worked, but routing was incorrect continuously. After starting from near blank config files to work out why my root directive was incorrect I discovered that it wasn't. Nginx roots all requests to the first root found if no other server name is defined. So why were my configs doing that? I decided to check permissions in both sites-available and in sites-enabled with ls -la. Only to see the symlinks were incorrect. default > default and forums > /etc/nginx/sites-available/forums The default config symlink was incorrect. Definitely check this if you can't get the vhosts to route correctly. I found out that you can't use relative paths in symlinks. ln -s default /etc/nginx/sites-available/default << DOES NOT WORK! You need to explicitly state paths in both cases.
September 25, 201212 yr Did you ever see this thread? There are a bunch of configs available and using caching which is the main benifit IMO of switching from Apache to Ngninx. Maybe you could add your findings in there. http://community.inv...che/page__st__0
December 30, 201212 yr I know this is an old thread but my question pertains to this subject. Does fURL's work nativly when using nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache or are extra rewutre rules still required? I don't plan on using standalone nginx but nginx admin for cpanel.
January 11, 201411 yr I know this thread is pretty old but I wanted to leave my Nginx configuration here in case someone else finds it useful. I am running Nginx with PHP5 FPM on a Debian 7 (wheezy). I also use IP.Content My forum is located at and is installed at /usr/share/nginx/www/forums For the forums, I have friendly URLs (FURL) enabled and in the SEO section of System Settings I have mod_rewrite "on". You can turn on "Redirect to new friendly URL format" if you wish although it doesn't have any bearing on the rest of this stuff (I have mine "on"). I have IP.Content serving up my "homepage" at Additionally, I have several IP.Content pages that are served up off the root, for example In the IP.Content app settings, I have mod_rewrite "on" (this basically just configures friendly URLs for IP.Content) and my gateway file (ipcontent/Tools/index.php) lives at the root of my web directory (/usr/share/nginx/www/index.php) Here is my nginx configuration file: server { listen 80; root /usr/share/nginx/www; index index.php; server_name; #matches any path that starts with a slash. #it tries to match the url to a file, then to a directory #and finally to the ipcontent gateway file in /index.php location / { try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php; } #matches any path that starts with /forums #it tries to match the url to a file, then to a directory #and finally to the forum index file in /forums/index.php location /forums { try_files $uri $uri/ /forums/index.php; } #matches any path that ends with ".php" and dispatches #execution of the php script to PHP5-FPM daemons location ~ .php$ { fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi_params; } #deny access to .htaccess files (you probably don't have any if you are using nginx) location ~ /.ht { deny all; } }
January 12, 201411 yr I also apologize for bumping this thread. This site,, also contains the vhost settings needed for nginx. This includes SEO friendly links, and protecting directories like the admin.
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