ReyDev's post in Login problem in ACP was marked as the answerthe problem was with my browser (chrome).
using another browser works.
ReyDev's post in How to get followers and following members was marked as the answerI did!
for followers :
\IPS\Db::i()->select( 'follow_member_id', 'core_follow', [ 'follow_app=? AND follow_area=? AND follow_rel_id=?', 'core', 'member', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ] )
for following :
\IPS\Db::i()->select( 'follow_rel_id', 'core_follow', [ 'follow_app=? AND follow_area=? AND follow_member_id=?', 'core', 'member', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ] )
maybe helps someone!
ReyDev's post in Access forbidden! ajax request in the development mode was marked as the answerthanks @Daniel F
This error occurred because I forgot to set one of the database fields in insert method
ReyDev's post in how to use Radio Button with "parse => 'mage' " in Widget was marked as the answersolved!
the problem exists on localhost, but in remote server works !!!
ReyDev's post in Template ... is throwing an error in Production mode was marked as the answerThe problem was solved. There were problems in the license section that were resolved after contacting the support department.
ReyDev's post in JS does not work on production mode! was marked as the answerThanks , it was finally done.
ReyDev's post in Some action after a widget is removed was marked as the answerI solved my problem in another way. But I think this can be useful.
When I add the widget, I add a value to the array that is stored in the settings. I do this when configuring the widget. (configuration() method)
Now I want to remove this value from the array I defined, when deleting the widget. (I thought the delete method would do that)