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Ryan Ashbrook's post in Forum gone after update 4.7.19 was marked as the answer
This should be fixed for you now.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Cookie Domain was marked as the answer
Yes, but this only controls cookies IPS4 itself sets (so anything prefixed with ips4_, or your prefix if you've changed it previously). Cookies from external sources will follow their own rules.
If you do this, make sure you use two dots as that's what allows the cookies to be read by subdomains:
define( 'COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.brfcs.com' );
Ryan Ashbrook's post in How to encode hyperlinks in URLS for items submitted through the REST API? was marked as the answer
Are you using OAuth Tokens or just a REST API key? If you are using OAuth, then yes you still need to submit HTML with the request, however it will be parsed and sanitized according to the users permissions to remove anything malicious (excluding those with HTML posting permission - which should be no one other than groups like Administrators). This is ideal for applications that end users submit to directly, like a Desktop app in your case. OAuth also limits requests based on a users permission, so even if they can submit files to the API, they can still only submit to categories they have permission to post to.
If you're just using a REST API key, then it's assumed that the request is coming from a trusted source. This is for things only an administrator has complete control over (typically automated tasks).
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Is there a way to block spammers using periods in the gmail email addresses? was marked as the answer
The spam defense service already takes this into account.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Reactions Usage was marked as the answer
ACP > Statistics > Activity > Reactions.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Upgrade IPB 4.7.17 was marked as the answer
There hasn’t been upgrade code to disable third party apps and plugins in quite some time.
If you upgraded from a version prior to the PHP8 requirement, then yes, they would be automatically disabled to allow your community to work error free.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Upgrade missing Forums was marked as the answer
Sorry about that - can you please try now?
Ryan Ashbrook's post in My databases disappeared? was marked as the answer
It looks like there was a temporary issue with your license - I have refreshed that, and your databases are back now.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Does IPS supports PostgreSQL? was marked as the answer
No, only MySQL is supported at this time.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Database Field Regex was marked as the answer
You are missing your beginning and end delimiters. Try this:
/^(fa(-[0-9a-zA-Z]+)+)( (fa(-[0-9a-zA-Z]+)+)+)*$/i And then set Apply text formatter to Yes, and then set Formatting Option to All lower-case in case someone enters a valid Font Awesome icon class, but uppercase.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Renaming a task was marked as the answer
I believe key is a reserved keyword in MySQL. Try this.
\IPS\Db::i()->delete( 'core_tasks', array ('`key`=? AND app=?','steamCleanup','steam') )
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Possible to require approval for Events Calendar submissions? was marked as the answer
Yes, in your Admin CP > Community > Calendars, edit the calendar and set "Events must be approved?" to Yes.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Repeated log entries "spam-services" issue (nearly 200 entries in the past few days) was marked as the answer
This should be fixed on our end now.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in [THIS SITE] MFA failing even though correct code was being entered was marked as the answer
I've unlocked your account.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Twitter suddenly won't embed was marked as the answer
Unfortunately, from everything I can see, this is happening on Twitter's end. I'm not entirely sure there is much we can do for this right now.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Searching members by email fails was marked as the answer
This is a known issue, and we have a fix coming for it.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Topic ID column in topic trait was marked as the answer
Classes using the trait can overload the method if the column name does not match - in this case, the trait is simply providing a default value.
Using mapped() would not work, because the "topic" column isn't actually included in the $databaseColumnMap property.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Question on Newletters... was marked as the answer
ACP > Members > Download Member List. Under Data to include, uncheck everything except Email address, and set "Member bulk mail subscription" to Currently subscribed.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in PWA on iOS doesn’t set app name when opening link with external app was marked as the answer
Yes, I've just checked with other PWA's as well, and they also have the same issue, so this is a problem in iOS itself. The manifest only has two properties to define the name of the PWA (short_name for locations with limited space and name for anywhere else), and both are set.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in 403 error when editing a plugin was marked as the answer
If you can update your Admin CP details in your client area, I can check this for you. However, a 403 typically means that your host has Mod Security or some other firewall / security software in place that is blocking the request.
I would recommend contacting your host to see if this is the case and, if so, change the configuration to allow the request to go through properly.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Description resume in forums was marked as the answer
We use the Rules settings under the Display Settings tab.
Ryan Ashbrook's post in I do not receive letters about complaints was marked as the answer
This is a bug that was fixed in 4.7.6. I would recommend upgrading to the latest version.
I'm not able to reproduce on the latest version. Are you still seeing this?
Ryan Ashbrook's post in Bulk Email Limitations was marked as the answer
As mentioned, there is unfortunately no way to rate limit bulk emails from within the software. I would recommend using a dedicated service, such as SendGrid.