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Good news!

We've taken Invision Community's Blog app by the scruff of the neck and dragged it into 2018!

There has been a growing trend for imagery to play a very important part of a blog entry. This update reflects that.

Introducing Grid View
We have added a new view that shows your blog entries as cards with space for a cover photo.

We've very visual creatures, and a good photograph can entice readers into your blogs to read more. 

As you would expect, you can disable this mode from the Admin CP for purists that prefer the traditional list format.



For those who's sense of adventure runs deep, the new grid mode allows you to show a list of latest blog entries as the blog home page.



This puts valuable and engaging content right in front of your audience.

This list view persists when you view a blog's entries giving a consistent feel.



Viewing an entry
We've given the blog entry page a little make-over by featuring the cover photo above the content. The slimmed down blog details bar allows your audience to focus on the content.



Default Cover Photos
You may have spotted that entries without a cover photo have a rather fetching geometric pattern in different colors.



This is a new micro-feature of Invision Community 4.3. Currently, if you do not have a cover photo on a blog, profile or event, the bar is a rather sad shade of black.

The new default cover photo feature makes it much more cheerful. Here's what a profile looks like.



Much better.

Here's a few technical details for those that love to know all the things.

  • The grid view feature can be turned off in the ACP (but doing so will make me very sad)
  • You can choose the default home page view: Latest Entries or List of Blogs.
  • You can still view a list of blogs when you're on the latest entries page. This choice is stored in a little cookie (GDPR friendly, it doesn't contain any identifying data) so navigating back gets you the last view you chose.

Let us know what you think! We love it, and hope you do too.