Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted June 25, 20213 yr Hello, I'm trying to make an edit in Most Contributions block, if you can help me with that I really appreciate it. I want to add a link in the number, redirecting to an area of user's profile > profile/x-user/content/?type=cms_records_review1&change_section=1 To edit this block, go to: core > front > widgets > mostContributions <div> {$member->link()|raw} <br><span class='ipsType_light'>{{if $area}}{$contributions['counts'][$member->member_id]}{{else}}{$member->member_posts}{{endif}}</span> </div> If there was a parameter by example {User_Profile_Link}, i could do something like this... <br><a href="{User_Profile_Link}/content/?type=cms_records_review1&change_section=1"><span class='ipsType_light'>{{if $area}}{$contributions['counts'][$member->member_id]}{{else}}{$member->member_posts}{{endif}}</span></a> Does anyone know how I can make this edit?
June 25, 20213 yr Author In a crazy way but I managed to make my idea work 😅 😅 I applied the following code: <a href="{url="app=core&module=members&controller=profile&do=content&id={$member->member_id}" base="front" seoTemplate="profile_content" seoTitle="$member->members_seo_name"}?type=cms_records_review1&change_section=1">content</a> If anyone knows another simple way to do this, leave it in the comments below. Edited June 25, 20213 yr by Hisashi
June 25, 20213 yr Author Solution After some more research, I found the code to generate the user's profile address, which was exactly how I wanted it. {$member->url()} Result: <a href="{$member->url()}content/?type=cms_records_review1&change_section=1">content</a>