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One of the overarching goals for any community leader is to shine a bright light on your members. Their contributions should be publicly recognized. Now with Invision Community’s new Achievements system... you can!

Achievements is Invision Community’s native gamification system baked into our latest update, 4.6. 

We’ve dreamed up innovative actions for community leaders to publicly recognize members who show up and participate in meaningful ways.

Award Points and badges based on conditional Rules!

Here’s what you need to know...




Our Achievements Points system keeps a running tally of Points. Members may earn Points in a multitude of ways. Essentially, it’s achieved by participating in the community. 

Create a topic? Points! Post a reply? Points! Follow another member? Nothing. Just kidding… Points!!!

This is done through creating Rules.




Rules are actionable processes set up in the admin panel. 

Here are what members can earn Points for:

When a...

  • Member joins a club
  • Reaction is given
  • New poll is created
  • User follows a content item
  • Review is posted
  • Member logs in for the first time that day
  • New club is created
  • Content item/comment is promoted or featured
  • Comment/reply is posted
  • User follows a forum, blog, gallery, category etc
  • User votes on a poll
  • User is followed
  • New content item is posted
  • Post is marked as best answer

There are also corresponding When/Then Rules for each item listed above. 

When this action happens, then this subsequent action happens.

Example: when a member posts 10 times, then this Badge is awarded.






Community leaders can also create specific Rules when deciding what actions earn Badges. 

For example, reward your members with a Badge for visiting your community for 20 days.
Once a member reaches 20 visits or more over 20 days, the Achievements system will automatically award them a ‘20 Visits’ Badge you’ve previously created.






In 4.6, we’ve completely revamped our Ranks system to communicate with Achievements. 

Achievements’ Ranks system will replace our previous Ranks system*

Set up different Ranks based on how many Points a member earns. Ranks display a members’ perceived value to the community. The higher a members’ Rank, the greater their influence because the more they’ve participated. 

Ranks are currently for prestige at the moment. 

Here's our example for a pretend Coconut community:




There’s a lot of information to absorb here, but if there’s anything to take away from this blog post it’s this: empower your contributing members with Achievements and watch your community grow. It creates an immersive and elevated experience for your die-hards. And hey, who doesn’t love to earn? 

When 4.6 and Achievements is officially released for all, we’ll hold a live Q&A event for you to join and ask any questions you may have.

Props? Concerns? Comments? Questions? We’d love for you to sound off in the comments! Not only because we want to hear from you, but because it’ll earn you some sweet, sweet Points, too!