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I have an application that sets a member’s profile photo to an image uploaded in a different FileStorage extension. I’m talking about this code in the \IPS\Member::photoUrl() function:

			/* We have an uploaded or synced photo */
			if ( $memberData['pp_main_photo'] and ( mb_substr( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], 0, 5 ) === 'sync-' or $memberData['pp_photo_type'] === 'custom' ) )
					$photoUrl = File::get( 'core_Profile', ( $thumb and $memberData['pp_thumb_photo'] ) ? $memberData['pp_thumb_photo'] : $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url;
				catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e ) { }
			/* Letter photos are enabled and we do not have a photo set, but only if this isn't for email */
			elseif( Settings::i()->letter_photos == 'letters' AND $email === FALSE and isset( $memberData['name'] ) )
				if( $photo = static::generateLetterPhoto($memberData) )
					$photoUrl = $photo;
			/* Other - This allows an app (such as Gallery) to set the pp_photo_type to a storage container to support custom images without duplicating them */
			elseif( $memberData['pp_photo_type'] and $memberData['pp_photo_type'] != 'none' and mb_strpos( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], '_' ) !== FALSE )
					$photoUrl = File::get( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url;
				catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e )
					/* If there was an exception, clear these values out - most likely the image or storage container is no longer valid */
					$member = Member::load( $memberData['member_id'] );
					$member->pp_photo_type	= NULL;
					$member->pp_main_photo	= NULL;

I am talking about the second/last elseif check in the code above:

			/* Other - This allows an app (such as Gallery) to set the pp_photo_type to a storage container to support custom images without duplicating them */
			elseif( $memberData['pp_photo_type'] and $memberData['pp_photo_type'] != 'none' and mb_strpos( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], '_' ) !== FALSE )
					$photoUrl = File::get( $memberData['pp_photo_type'], $memberData['pp_main_photo'] )->url;
				catch ( InvalidArgumentException $e )
					/* If there was an exception, clear these values out - most likely the image or storage container is no longer valid */
					$member = Member::load( $memberData['member_id'] );
					$member->pp_photo_type	= NULL;
					$member->pp_main_photo	= NULL;

The problem is that when letter photos are enabled the first elseif check before this one takes precedence and overwrites the custom image.

The code must be changed to check/generate letter photos as the last step only if no custom image with a FileStorage container is specified.

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For now, as a workaround, I made the client disable letter photos and added a visible warning when the setting is enabled.