Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted September 17, 2024Sep 17 We've just tried out the new "Live Topics" feature that was added last year, but we didn't manage to get the live video stream working. What did we do? I have set up a new "test live topic" and entered a random currently running live stream from YT, e.g. that one: Also tried the URL vom YT's embed code: The result for all browsers (except one, more below) is an empty black rectangle. Browsers tested: Chrome, MS Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome Mac. Result: The only combination where I could get it work, was Firefox (Windows) with an ad-blocker ("uBlock origin") enabled! When disabling the ad-blocker the video again does not show. We also tried several other currently running YT live videos. All with the same result. What are we doing wrong here? Any help appreciated. Edited September 17, 2024Sep 17 by Christian Meixner
September 18, 2024Sep 18 Author Can you confirm that this is a bug or are we using it wrong? And if, so: what would we need to change to make it work?
September 18, 2024Sep 18 Solution Im not actually able to replicate this on my end. Its showing as it should be with no problem. Please ensure you have no 3rd party items enabled, and that you are using a default unaltered theme
September 19, 2024Sep 19 Author Ok, I've figured it out. Seems like one of the scripts delivered by in Google Tag Manger seems to break the video embedding (and ad blocker fixes this by blocking GTM). Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll take a look into how to fix GTM.