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I noticed that blocks placed on the main downloads page also show on the Category View. It would be great to NOT have the block on the downloads page be visisble on the category view page(s).  Depending on the number of files/categories... any blocks added can make the pages long.

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I just asked this in another forum an Adriano responded. I was really hoping that this would be a simple template change, but guess it's something that IPS would need to change....

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when you put a block on the Files Index page... Those blocks are carried over and are placed at the bottomn of the Category View page.  Depending on the Blocks on the Files Index this can make the Category View pretty long and un-necessary.  I'd rather be able to add completely different blocks on the files index and the category view instead of the blocks from the files view displaying on category view.

IPS Can you PLEASE make Index and categories separate controllers?  Having the same blocks on these pages is REDUNDANT, it wastes space, and bandwidth. 

By default I find the current IPS Files Index page quite bland and boring... The default only allows, Featured Downloads, What's New, Highest Rated, and Most Downloaded. Please allow us to create more customization/templates/blocks options on the Files Index.


Edited by Dazz

You can check the controller via template edit but that would be definitely a workaround. 

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5 minutes ago, Adriano Faria said:

You can check the controller via template edit but that would be definitely a workaround. 

I wish I knew more about this... You guys have all been awesome in helping me with custom work. 

I just don't like the default index options that we are given... don't care for the blocks being shared between index and categories. I'd love to have the files index page customizable like regular custom pages where we can use different templates and blocks.

I use addons like SuperBlocks... Would love to be able to use them on my index without making my categories pages load the same blocks as index.


Edited by Dazz

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