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Resp API in my resources

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I'm adding suport to Rest API in my resources and I'm facing a issue in the categories. I always get the error:


{ "errorCode": "EX1054", "errorMessage": "UNKNOWN_ERROR" }

MySQL 1054 is unknown column in 'Field List' so debugging I see the error comes from IPS\Node\Api\NodeController_list():

	protected function _list( $where = array() )
		$class = $this->class;

		/* Return */
		return new \IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse(
			\IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', $class::$databaseTable, $where, $class::$databaseColumnOrder ? $class::$databaseColumnOrder . " asc" : NULL ),
			isset( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->page : 1,
			\IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', $class::$databaseTable, $where )->first()

And debugging more, I see the error comes from the $class::$databaseColumnOrder.  I got on my node model:

	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Database Table
	public static $databaseTable = 'links_categories';
	 * @brief	[ActiveRecord] Database Prefix
	public static $databasePrefix = 'category_';
	 * @brief	[Node] Order Database Column
	public static $databaseColumnOrder = 'position';

Thing is: if I change my $databaseColumnOrder to add the $databasePrefix in my api call, it works fine.

So I changed my IPS\my_app\api\categories from:

	public function GETindex()
		/* Return */
		return $this->_list();


	public function GETindex()
		/* Return */
		return new \IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse(
			\IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'links_categories', NULL, "category_position asc" ),
			isset( \IPS\Request::i()->page ) ? \IPS\Request::i()->page : 1,
			\IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'links_categories' )->first()

(Notice the position column with prefix).

Things works:


{ "page": 1, "perPage": 25, "totalResults": 1, "totalPages": 1, "results": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Test Category", "links": 0, "url": "http:\/\/localhost\/general\/index.php?\/links\/category\/1-test-category\/" } ] }

So the question is: am I doing something wrong? Is there anything I'm forgetting like the prefix to add/remove somewhere? Or is it a bug?

My whole categories file is:

namespace IPS\links\api;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
	header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * @brief	Categories API
class _categories extends \IPS\Node\Api\NodeController
	 * Class
	protected $class = 'IPS\links\Category';
	 * GET /links/category/
	 * Get list of categories
	 * @return		\IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse<IPS\links\Category>
	public function GETindex()
		/* Return */
		return $this->_list();

	 * GET /links/category/{id}
	 * Get specific forum
	 * @param		int		$id			ID Number
	 * @return		\IPS\Api\PaginatedResponse<IPS\links\Category>
	public function GETitem( $id )
		/* Return */
		return $this->_view( $id );

	 * POST /links/category/
	 * Create a category
	 * @reqapiparam	string		title				The category name
	 * @apiparam	string		description			The category description
	 * @apiparam	int|null	parent				The ID number of the parent the category should be created in. NULL for root.
	 * @apiparam	int			theme				Theme to use as an override
	 * @apiparam	int			sitemap_priority	1-9 1 highest priority
	 * @apiparam	int			min_content			The minimum amount of posts to be able to view
	 * @apiparam	int			can_see_others		0|1 Users can see topics posted by other users?
	 * @return		\IPS\links\Category
	public function POSTindex()
		return $this->_create();
	 * POST /links/category/{id}
	 * Edit a forum
	 * @reqapiparam	string		title				The forum title
	 * @apiparam	string		description			The forum description
	 * @apiparam	string		type				normal|qa|redirect|category
	 * @apiparam	int|null	parent				The ID number of the parent the forum should be created in. NULL for root.
	 * @apiparam	string		password			Forum password
	 * @apiparam	int			theme				Theme to use as an override
	 * @apiparam	int			sitemap_priority	1-9 1 highest priority
	 * @apiparam	int			min_content			The minimum amount of posts to be able to view
	 * @apiparam	int			can_see_others		0|1 Users can see topics posted by other users?
	 * @return		\IPS\forums\Topic
	public function POSTitem( $id )
		$class = $this->class;
		$category = $class::load( $id );
		$category = $this->_createOrUpdate( $category );

		return $category;
	 * DELETE /links/category/{id}
	 * Delete a forum
	 * @param		int		$id			ID Number
	 * @return		void
	public function DELETEitem( $id )
		return $this->_delete( $id );

	 * Create or update node
	 * @param	\IPS\node\Model	$category				The node
	 * @return	\IPS\node\Model
	protected function _createOrUpdate( \IPS\node\Model $category )
		if ( !\IPS\Request::i()->title )
			throw new \IPS\Api\Exception( 'NO_TITLE', '', 400 );

		foreach ( array( 'title' => "links_category_{$category->id}", 'description' => "links_category_{$category->id}_desc" ) as $fieldKey => $langKey )
			if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$fieldKey ) )
				\IPS\Lang::saveCustom( 'links', $langKey, \IPS\Request::i()->$fieldKey );

				if ( $fieldKey === 'title' )
					$category->seo_title = \IPS\Http\Url\Friendly::seoTitle( \IPS\Request::i()->$fieldKey );

		$category->parent = (int) \IPS\Request::i()->parent?: -1;

		return parent::_createOrUpdate( $category );


This is a bug. I will fix for 4.3. Your workaround is sufficient.

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Tks. :)

I guess I will wait for 4.3. All methods has the $databaseColumnOrder.

3 hours ago, Adriano Faria said:

Tks. :)

I guess I will wait for 4.3. All methods has the $databaseColumnOrder.

Actually, I reviewed and this was the only instance I saw that was wrong - the others properly add on the database prefix.


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