Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted November 25, 20177 yr Hello, We want to move profile sidebar widget called "PERSONAL INFORMATION" in the right side area. Currently it's coming to the left area in sidebar. [reference : We have found the following code in the file called "profile", but when we tried to move that code in "profileTabs" file, the "$sidebarFields" variable is empty. Would you please help with that ? Check the code below : {{foreach $sidebarFields as $group => $fields}} <div class='ipsWidget ipsWidget_vertical cProfileSidebarBlock ipsBox ipsSpacer_bottom'> {{if $group != 'core_pfieldgroups_0'}} <h2 class='ipsWidget_title ipsType_reset'>{lang="$group"}</h2> {{endif}} <div class='ipsWidget_inner ipsPad'> <ul class='ipsDataList ipsDataList_reducedSpacing cProfileFields'> {{foreach $fields as $field => $value}} {{if $value !== ""}} <li class='ipsDataItem ipsType_break'> <span class='ipsDataItem_generic ipsDataItem_size3 ipsType_break'><strong>{lang="$field"}</strong></span> <div class='ipsDataItem_generic'><div class='ipsType_break ipsContained'>{$value|raw}</div></div> </li> {{endif}} {{endforeach}} </ul> </div> </div> {{endforeach}}
December 15, 20177 yr You can't just move it into the tabs unfortunately. You would need to make further adjustments than simply moving the template HTML.
December 19, 20177 yr Author Ok.. Do you have any idea how can we show content count per user ? How many posts, articles, blogs he has posted till now in the forum ?
December 19, 20177 yr $member->member_posts This represents the user's total content count. We do not track (cache) content count per content type.
January 3, 20187 yr Author Hey @newbie LAC, Could you please help us here too ? As you did help us in issue same like this when we wanted to change the post layout. TIA.
January 4, 20187 yr Author 18 hours ago, newbie LAC said: Hello, I don't see the right area on your screenshot. Please check this one : We're talking about the default profile layout of Invision Community. Are you getting it ? Please let's know.
January 4, 20187 yr 1 hour ago, Maulik said: Please check this one : We're talking about the default profile layout of Invision Community. Are you getting it ? Please let's know. {{$sidebarFields = $member->profileFields();}} {{if $sidebarFields}} {{$fieldData = \IPS\core\ProfileFields\Field::fieldData();}} {{foreach $fieldData as $grId => $fields}} {{foreach $fields as $fId => $field}} {{if !(isset($sidebarFields['core_pfieldgroups_' . $grId]['core_pfield_' . $fId]) and (!$field['pf_member_hide'] or (\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() OR \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id === $member->member_id)))}} {{unset($sidebarFields['core_pfieldgroups_' . $grId]['core_pfield_' . $fId]);}} {{endif}} {{endforeach}} {{endforeach}} {{endif}} Then use the code from your start post
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