Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted September 14, 20177 yr Hi, I try to use \IPS\Helpers\Table\Content, but I encounter this error when trying to do so with joinComments set to true. SELECT forums_topics.tid FROM `b5dev_forums_topics` AS `forums_topics` LEFT JOIN `b5dev_forums_forums` AS `forums_forums` ON ( forums_forums.password IS NULL OR ( FIND_IN_SET(4,forums_forums.password_override) ) ) AND forums_forums.min_posts_view<=3 AND LEFT JOIN `b5dev_forums_posts` AS `forums_posts` ON forums_posts.topic_id=forums_topics.tid WHERE forums_posts.author_id=1 AND forums_topics.last_post > 1473811200 AND forums_topics.approved < 2 AND forums_topics.approved!=-2 AND ( NULLIF(forums_topics.moved_to, '') IS NULL ) AND forums_topics.forum_id IN(1,2,3) GROUP BY `tid` ORDER BY last_post desc LIMIT 0,25 IPS\Db\Exception: Column 'last_post' in order clause is ambiguous (1052) #0 /*/init.php(448) : eval()'d code(129): IPS\_Db->preparedQuery('/*IPS\\storm_hoo...', Array, true) #1 /*/system/Db/Select.php(378): IPS\storm_hook_Db->preparedQuery('SELECT forums_t...', Array, true) #2 /*/system/Db/Select.php(440): IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery() #3 [internal function]: IPS\Db\_Select->rewind() #4 /*/system/Content/Item.php(2612): iterator_to_array(Object(IPS\Db\Select)) #5 /*/applications/forums/sources/Topic/Topic.php(276): IPS\Content\_Item::getItemsWithPermission(Array, 'last_post desc', Array, 'view', true, 0, Object(IPS\Member), true, true, false, false, Array, false, true, true, true, false) #6 /*/system/Helpers/Table/Content.php(287): IPS\forums\_Topic::getItemsWithPermission(Array, 'last_post desc', Array, 'view', NULL, 0, NULL, true, true, false, false, Array, false, true, true, true, false) #7 /*/system/Helpers/Table/Table.php(480): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Content->getRows(Array) #8 /*/test.php(8): IPS\Helpers\Table\_Table->__toString() #9 {main} I've created some simple code you can cut and paste into a file named test.php to see this for yourself: <?php require_once 'init.php'; $disp = \IPS\Dispatcher\External::i(); $where[] = ['forums_posts.author_id=1']; $where[] = ['forums_topics.last_post > 1473811200']; $table = new \IPS\Helpers\Table\Content( 'IPS\forums\Topic', \IPS\Http\Url::internal('app=myapp'), $where, NULL, NULL, 'view', FALSE ); $table->joinComments = true; echo $table . "\n"; I think you need to change system/Helpers/Table/Content.php around line 196-210. For example: if ( isset( $class::$databaseColumnMap['updated'] ) ) { $this->sortBy = $class::$databasePrefix . $class::$databaseColumnMap['updated']; } I think $this->sortBy should have been prepended by: $class::$databaseTable . '.' . Or am I doing something wrong here?
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