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Group Legend

Guest Johney

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Perhaps adding a group legend will be much better?...


Please excuse 123's rudeness, I think they were dropped on their head as a child.

What exactly do you mean by a group legend?

What I mean is adding the color coded member groups for all users.


[color="red"][Administrator][/color][color="blue"][Moderator][/color][color="purple"] [Member] [/color][color="gray"][Guest][/color] [color="orange"][Special Member][/color] and the corresponding colour will reflect on the members name.


This is currently available as a Mod at Invisionize, I really think it is better off left as a mod.

http://mods.invisionize.com/db/index.php/f/3575 :)

This is currently available as a Mod at Invisionize, I really think it is better off left as a mod.




Personally I think it should be included but optional with semi-automation. ie, if there is anything in the format prefix/suffix, a checkbox is set to show for online users -AND- it's a group to be listed via the member list then to show it.



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