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Jan Reidar Storelvmo

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  1. Hello, Recently upgraded to Invision Community v5 beta 11.1 from v4, but in the new version I can’t find the announcement feature we had in v4. I have all announcements show up in the sidebar from v4, but I can’t find a way to make new ones. Is this a missing feature in v5?
  2. Excellent! Thank you 🤠
  3. Hello, I’ve just updated my databases and done everything in preparation for an upgrade to v5 beta. How do I upgrade from the current v4 to version 5 beta? The community I’m running has lots of uploaded files etc. I’ve already backed up the databases and current v4 content on the server.
  4. Hello, I’m planning an upgrade to version 5 which I know is still in beta, but it should be stable enough by now so I have decided to upgrade. Will automatic updates be available for v5 beta? Also, will automatic upgrade to stable version be possible whenever it is available?
  5. Excellent! Thank you for your help. Will give this a try the upcoming week.
  6. How risky is this process? The database I'm trying to import is only about 15-16 MB. Is there a "maintenance mode" for the forum when doing major updates?
  7. Hello, On my self-hosted Invision Community forum (version 4), I have several subforums. I have an SMF version 2.14 database I'm trying to import into one of these subforums. I guess this database first needs to be converted, but then, how do I set up a subforum using this database?
  8. Issue seems to be solved now. Thanks for your help.
  9. This is what my .htaccess file contains: <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> Options -MultiViews RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteRule \.(js|css|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|ico|map|webp)(\?|$) /404error.php [L,NC] RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule>
  10. I've already done that and also cleared the cache afterwards. Did it again now, but still the same. I cannot make any new posts, neither can I upload files in a post. Other than that everything seems to work fine. Seems like I can reply to posts, but not make new ones. Also, file upload works fine when REPLYING a other existing posts. But, I cannot make new posts or upload image files in them.
  11. Hello, I recently purchased a new Classic license (self-hosted) for https://flightsim.no. However, the old forum was located at flightsim.no/forum so I had to move the forum to the root domain at flightsim.no. I also updated the config file with the correct address etc and cleared the cache in the Invision admin panel. Everything went well and the forum seems to work, but it's not possible to start new posts or upload files. When trying to add a new post, I get an error saying the page I'm trying to access is temporarily down or permanently moved to a new address. When trying to upload files (images) to a new post, I get an error code 200 popup. Any ideas how to fix this?