Hello @naXe90
Can you please check the following problems ?
1. Can you please fix the issue of design for chrome ? can you see the differences between chrome and edge
2. The new server setting is not working even if on all servers the new server option is off on the main page all of them appear with new server badge/text in front. the only way to hide the badge is to switch off the 'New Server' Style from Server list/Settings/Customization/'New Server' Style to none
3. In order to show game or application icon before eachserver i modify/disable the following lines (309) in /home/**********/public_html/applications/serverlist/sources/Servers/Servers.php
$typeIcon = \IPS\Http\Url::internal("applications/serverlist/interface/types/{$row['serverType']}.png", 'none');
$typeIcon = $typeIcon->request()->get()->httpResponseCode <> 200 ? \IPS\Http\Url::internal('applications/serverlist/interface/types/other.png', 'none') : $typeIcon;
$typeIcon = \IPS\Http\Url::internal("applications/serverlist/interface/types/{$row['serverType']}.png", 'none');
/* $typeIcon = $typeIcon->request()->get()->httpResponseCode <> 200 ? \IPS\Http\Url::internal('applications/serverlist/interface/types/other.png', 'none') : $typeIcon; */
Before disable this line on all the servers icon other.png was on all but after disabling 2nd line the icons show ok
4. Show Server Owners? not working