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IPB 3.1.0: Centralized License Key

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Over the past year we have introduced new services that are available to our IP.Board Standard Licenses holders, such as the spam service and the chat service. We also have plans for more services that will be tied to your license. While this provides a lot of value to your license, managing these services is a cumbersome process, you need to create keys for each of these services and enter them in different areas of the ACP.

We're always looking for ways to streamline and improve your experience, toward that end we will be introduce a new centralized license key that will work for all services. Starting with IP.Board 3.1, all licenses will be given a single key that will grant access to all services available to that license. When we introduce new services, you will automatically have access to that service without having to log in to your client area account to generate a new key and activate it.

IP.Board 3.1 will include a new license manager in the ACP. When you first access the manager, you will see a screen that lets you enter your license key and your forum URL:


After you activate your license, you will be able to see the status of your license and all the services that are attached to that license:


Like all previous versions of IP.Board, your forum will function if you do not enter your license key, however you will not have access to any of the special extra services your license provides until you activate your license key. There will be a grace period where old spam and chat keys will continue to function, however we recommend that you activate your new license keys as soon as possible.

We hope that this simplification of our license key system will be beneficial to everyone and that you enjoy all the services it provides! As always feedback and suggestions are welcome.

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