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We have a hard time understanding the default design level of the IPB emails. According to us, it is not remotely close to the professionality of the rest of the IPB. (Hats off for the latter).

Like the enclosed confirmation email, where we have added a top brand image that is equal in size to the email to add some kind of overarching design structure to the email. But the email in itself looks... not good.

1) We count to seven (7) different combinations of fonts/size/colour in this email having just about 100 letters.

2) A visual structure hard to identify. Some text here and there, to the left and in the middle. A few gray horizontal background blocks to... what?

3) The last time we saw inverted text (e.g. "Set Password" below) was when programming in Pascal at uni. That was during the mid 1980s. 

We understand that there are a lot of customers who want to invest resources in customizing their emails to their look & feel. But there are certainly a lot of customers, like us, who prefer to stick to a SAAS "buy-standard-run-standard strategy".

It can not be a good business strategy to derail customers off such a strategy through a bunch of seemingly design-wise forgotten emails. Documents that are some of the first impressions the third party customer gets from a community. As you know, first impressions last.

We propose
A basic - but up to date - default email design. It would be the way to go to satisfy both the customer strategies mentioned. 

//Joachim Sandstrom  

 Could contain: File, Text, Business Card, Paper, Webpage


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