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  • Pinning

How to implement pinning

In order to support pinning content items in your model, you need to implement the following interface:

implements \IPS\Content\Pinnable

Next, you should add a pinned key to your $databaseColumnMap, with the value being the name of the database column that stores the pinned status of your items.

Finally, you need to add support to your templates. For example:

{{if $item->canPin()}}
	<a href='{$item->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'moderate', 'action' => 'pin' ) )}'>{lang="pin"}</a>
{{if $item->canUnpin()}}
	<a href='{$item->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'moderate', 'action' => 'unpin' ) )}'>{lang="unpin"}</a>


Changes after implementation

  • Pinned items will appear at the top of the content item table views
  • Moderators with the appropriate permission will be able to see and use tools to pin content when selecting items in content item tables.


Additional model methods available

boolean canPin\IPS\Member $member )

Indicates whether the user has permission to pin items. This method takes into account whether the item is already pinned.

  • $member (\IPS\Member, optional)
    If provided, this member's permissions will be checked. By default, the currently-logged in member will be used.


boolean canUnpin( \IPS\Member $member )

Indicates whether the user has permission to unpin items. This method takes into account whether the item is already unpinned.

  • $member (\IPS\Member, optional)
    If provided, this member's permissions will be checked. By default, the currently-logged in member will be used.