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  • Complete Example

Here is an example of a content item model that makes use of several of the features discussed in this section.


namespace IPS\downloads;

 * File Model
class _File extends \IPS\Content\Item implements
	 * @brief	Application
	public static $application = 'downloads';
	 * @brief	Module
	public static $module = 'downloads';
	 * @brief	Database Table
	public static $databaseTable = 'downloads_files';
	 * @brief	Database Prefix
	public static $databasePrefix = 'file_';
	 * @brief	Multiton Store
	protected static $multitons;
	 * @brief	Default Values
	protected static $defaultValues = NULL;
	 * @brief	Node Class
	public static $containerNodeClass = 'IPS\downloads\Category';
	 * @brief	Comment Class
	public static $commentClass = 'IPS\downloads\File\Comment';
	 * @brief	Review Class
	public static $reviewClass = 'IPS\downloads\File\Review';
	 * @brief	Database Column Map
	public static $databaseColumnMap = array(
		'container'		=> 'cat',
		'author'		=> 'submitter',
		'views'			=> 'views',
		'title'			=> 'name',
		'content'		=> 'desc',
		'num_comments'	=> 'comments',
		'num_reviews'	=> 'reviews',
		'last_comment'	=> 'last_comment',
		'last_review'	=> 'last_review',
		'date'			=> 'submitted',
		'updated'		=> 'updated',
		'rating'		=> 'rating',
		'approved'		=> 'open',
		'approved_by'	=> 'approver',
		'approved_date'	=> 'approvedon',
		'pinned'		=> 'pinned',
		'featured'		=> 'featured',
		'locked'		=> 'locked',
		'ip_address'	=> 'ipaddress'
	 * @brief	Title
	public static $title = 'downloads_file';
	 * @brief	Icon
	public static $icon = 'download';
	 * @brief	Form Lang Prefix
	public static $formLangPrefix = 'file_';
	 * @brief	Reputation Type
	public static $reputationType = 'file_id';
	 * @brief	Follow Area Key
	public static $followArea = 'file';
	 * Get URL
	 * @param	string|NULL		$action		Action
	 * @return	\IPS\Http\Url
	public function url( $action=NULL )
		$url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=downloads&module=downloads&controller=view&id={$this->id}", 'front', 'downloads_file', $this->name_furl );
		if ( $action )
			$url = $url->setQueryString( 'do', $action );
		return $url;
	 * Should new items be moderated?
	 * @param	\IPS\Member		$member		The member posting
	 * @param	\IPS\Node\Model	$container	The container
	 * @return	bool
	public static function moderateNewItems( \IPS\Member $member, \IPS\Node\Model $container = NULL )
		if ( $container and $container->bitoptions['moderation'] and !static::modPermission( 'unhide', $member, $container ) )
			return TRUE;
		return parent::moderateNewItems( $member, $container );
	 * Should new comments be moderated?
	 * @param	\IPS\Member	$member	The member posting
	 * @return	bool
	public function moderateNewComments( \IPS\Member $member )
		$commentClass = static::$commentClass;
		return $this->container()->bitoptions['comment_moderation'] and !$commentClass::modPermission( 'unhide', $member, $this->container() );
	 * Should new reviews be moderated?
	 * @param	\IPS\Member	$member	The member posting
	 * @return	bool
	public function moderateNewReviews( \IPS\Member $member )
		$reviewClass = static::$reviewClass;
		return $this->container()->bitoptions['reviews_mod'] and !$reviewClass::modPermission( 'unhide', $member, $this->container() );
	 * Get elements for add/edit form
	 * @param	\IPS\Content\Item|NULL	$item		The current item if editing or NULL if creating
	 * @param	int						$container	Container (e.g. forum) ID, if appropriate
	 * @return	array
	public static function formElements( $item=NULL, \IPS\Node\Model $container=NULL )
		$return = parent::formElements( $item, $container );
		$return['file_desc'] = new \IPS\Helpers\Form\Editor( 'file_desc', $item ? $item->desc : NULL, TRUE, array( 'app' => 'downloads', 'key' => 'Downloads', 'autoSaveKey' => 'downloads-new-file' ) );
		return $return;