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Within the commerce system, you can use incoming email to receive tickets, rather than using the client area if you wish to do so. These can be received via various different methods, depending on your needs, and will also allow for the receiving of tickets from different emails.

Incoming Email

You can set these up from the following location within your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Incoming Emails

Once you are here you will see a screen similar to the below where you are given 2 options for the type of email you wish to set up.

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Incoming Email Options

You will also notice you can set to ignore emails, by using filters at the bottom of the page. In order to ignore, select the "Add filter" button and ignore items based on the Destination Email, Sender Email, Subject, or Body of the email being received. This can be done either as an exact match, or partial match.


Piping would be the preferred method if you have the access within your server. Piping allows for emails to be directed to a php file where they will be directly processed by the support system. This is something you will need to set up on your server, to point the emails to the following location

http://yourinstallationlocation.com/applications/core/interface/incomingemail/piping.php email@example.com

There are some basic instructions shown on the piping page to set this up within cpanel. If you use another panel (or in fact no panel at all) you would need to contact your hosting provider for assistance in setting this up.

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Piping Setup



If you do not have access to use the piping method, you can instead set up pop3 instead. To do this, select the pop3 method and fill in the relevant details from your email provider

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POP 3 Setup



For more support heavy communities or communities without the ability to set up piping, it may be preferable to use an external service to receive support tickets via email. For this, we provide integration for SendGrid.

Unlike other options, using SendGrid will require you to set the MX records on an entire domain or subdomain to point to SendGrid. This means you must use a dedicated domain or subdomain that you do not need to receive email for other purposes for. This may mean, for example, rather than using support@example.com, you need to use support@support.example.com.

  1. If you haven't already, add a domain whitelabel in your SendGrid account for your main domain and make sure it has been validated. This will require creating CNAME records to point to specific locations SendGrid will provide to prove that you own the domain. Contact SendGrid if you need any assistance with this step.
  2. Set up the receiving domain in SendGrid. Enter the Destination URL to the URL below and make sure that the POST the raw, full MIME message setting is checked.

  3. Test everything is working by sending a test email. You need to have setup a department to receive the emails first. If it does not work, contact technical support for assistance.

Outgoing Email

You can set these up from the following location within your admin CP. Commerce>Support>Settings>Outgoing Emails

Within this section you can set the outgoing email format, which can be one of the following

  • Normal Email - This is general email which would be sent out, without branding.
  • Branded Email - This would contain a branded wrapper to your emails. More advanced users can amend the wrapper to your emails within Customization>Appearance>Emails.

You can also set who the emails are set to come from, whether this be the name of the person, the department, or something else.

You will also notice in here that you can set a "Send received confirmation?" setting. Switching this setting on will mean  that your users will get an email back when they create a ticket, whether this be through the client area, or by email.

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Outgoing Email