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Josette Smith

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  1. I can partially see your point for run of the mill js but with a commonly used library like jQuery <head> is more relevant otherwise you have to throw in many window.onload() function wrappers usually bound to anonymous functions just to "wait". In small cases sure this is not a problem but when a user accesses the $ variable many times that's many more randomly inserted wrappers needed to "wait" and increases both file size and potentially load time, not to mention if someone else gets brought in on the project and sees all these wait wrappers strewn about the place they will have to have more effort to bring them up to speed.
  2. thats completly un normal js/jquery should be handled in <head>
  3. seems a workaround is to upload custom jquery/js files and directly reference them 1 line above as the jquery file referenced by ips is strangely considered out of scope for some reason and not allowing the $ variable to be accessed post ips access
  4. Hi im currently having difficulty getting a jquery object to function and the console keeps throwing Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined when doing this inside a custom PHP block var table = $("#anscestryMainContainer").tableSortable(options); how do i go about fixing this
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