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This week, the team have been discussing the one thing they can not live without. Some found this a hard question to answer.

What is the one thing you cannot live without?
A tricky question for some. Could you pick just one thing?

Brandon (Senior tech support and development)

971279_10151817351521153_847189448_n.jpg.99662d58ecf871558ef2dbe2a3ec042e.thumb.jpg.c9ede76cbb478d53dd0f405bfaef8ef3.jpgMy family is my saving grace and escape, and even though they're (collectively) the ones typically causing me the most work I wouldn't trade them for anything.



Mark H (Tech support)

MarkH.jpg.e74da5597645820c0705fb4982ed2ecb.jpgI believe my choice would have to be "good coffee". I can deal with no phone, even deal with no credit card. But no coffee? The horror.... the horror. (2 points for naming the reference).




Marc S (Tech Support)

marcs.jpg.56952e4c8cb28fc62ec5d6892a03b9f6.jpgFor me, no matter how much I like my computer, and look around for my phone before I do so much as make a coffee, it would have to be speakers. Not because I have a decent set of speakers, and don't even have to be my own speakers, but something that can play music. Whether I'm doing tickets, developing, cleaning, driving, sat in my office or sat in a bar, its the one thing I cant do without. 


Rhett (Cloud Support)

rhett.png.14d063e80c4e4c4196e4a23f39bb6422.thumb.png.c469a119118a1da39d17782747aff4f3.png.31c1518e3f224f8a3811df9f91d2d533.thumb.png.381d399097ee1c58437db9475c05ab36.pngThe question really has two answers, On the tech side, it would be my iPhone, I can do anything from it you can think of really and my go to device for communication of all sorts.  In life in general, that's an easy one, "My children, they are the center of my life, and really all that matters is I have them by my side!"


Matt (Senior Developer)

13775584_10154032958017798_6235039191375454111_n.jpg.63ac0b5a363205c71126a98aa98c0d12.jpgThe one "thing" means I don't have to say family or kids! So I definitely think it has to be my MacBook Pro. I switched from a traditional desktop set-up earlier in the year and haven't looked back. I like being able to pick up my MacBook and carry on working while out and about. When I'm home, I plug it up to my two external monitors and it performs as well as any desktop.



Jennifer (Designer)

ipspink.thumb.png.60c9f617f7fb273a7fbf13374171e833.png.961a3172effa9cd8ea83cead9c41d7ca.pngMy iPhone. There is no worse thing than leaving my house without being able to check my chat programs or to be able to play Pokemon Go.




Daniel (Senior tech support and development)

daniel.png.90faabfcc41fb099187a38120cc8fcef.png.552338efcb44d455c8795c134a63addb.thumb.png.1f502a5214e3cbc97adf3bd5795febb8.png.9a5c5608359a79f669856ff92b191b27.pngThe nerd in me can't live without alfredapp to automate all the things! ( check out their great forum https://www.alfredforum.com ;) ) 
And the two hours a day of free time I get, I couldn't be without my son and bike.


Stuart (Senior tech support and development)

ips-logo.png.0c9ee7c1c50d673105092adb07b097c9.thumb.png.78ac935d0ec7cd807639c71a63be0436.png.88bd532bf8fe0c2d936096f1c954aabd.pngI pretty much couldn't be without my laptop, I use it for everything from Gaming, Films to Work.



Is there one thing that you can't be without? Let us know below!

Edited by Matt