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The eagle eyed among you may have spotted that we've just upgraded our company forums to IP.Board 3.4.4.

We routinely do this during a development cycle so that we can get some extended testing prior to a beta release. When we write new features and fix bugs we do test ourselves but of course we can't replicate the testing hundreds of active users with all the different browser and operating system combinations can offer.

The focus of 3.4.4 has been to further stabilise the editor. We've made great improvements since the initial release of 3.4.0 but we're aware that there are a handful of issues remaining which we want to get licked for this release.

If you have a few moments spare, we'd appreciate it if you could test out the editor, either by creating a post in the test forum or just by being more aware of any quirks or issues when making posts normally.

Anything you spot, can you please report into our bug tracker with as much detail as you can.
