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IP.Content 2.1 Dev Update: More Control

Every administrator wants to have complete control over the web pages on their site, and this is what IP.Content is all about - allowing you full control over your site's content, right from your admin control panel. While IP.Content is already extremely configurable, we have taken the software even further with IP.Content 2.1, giving you finer control over some key aspects of IP.Content.

More Control Over Searching
With the first release of IP.Content, the central IP.Board search routine only supported searching IP.Content "pages". With IP.Content 2.0, we added support for searching within articles, databases and comments (in addition to the existing page searching support) from IP.Board's central search area.

While this has proved useful and well-received, many administrators have requested more configuration options for IP.Content with regards to searching. IP.Content 2.1.0 will include two primary, oft-requested options that allow you to better control how searching on your website responds to requests.

1) You can now configure in the IP.Content settings which area to search by default when a user searches in IP.Content. In IP.Content 2.0, "Pages" were the default and this could not (easily) be changed. Now, you can configure IP.Content to search Pages, Articles, Article Comments, any databases you have, or comments in any databases you have by default (the user can still change this from the advanced search form and the search results pages as before), depending on what is best for your site.

2) You can now shut off searching within individual databases on a per-database level. When configuring the database you just toggle a radio button, and that database is no longer searchable through the central IP.Board search routine. When you turn off searching in a database, searching in comments within that database is also automatically disabled.

These two new capabilities, combined, give you much more control over how IP.Board's central search areas behave with respect to IP.Content.

Multiple Domain Support
When you run IP.Content outside of your forum root directory, you supply the URL to the index.php file in the admin control panel. IP.Content uses this information to format the URLs to pages, and to understand which page was actually requested by the user. Some users have expressed their desire to run IP.Content from multiple locations on their site, for instance "articles.site.com" and "media.site.com", rather than running all pages under one base URL.

With IP.Content 2.1.0 we have changed the setting "URL to index.php" from a text input field (which only allows one URL to be entered) to a textarea field, allowing you to enter as many URLs to the index.php file as needed, one per line. After you have supplied the URLs to the index.php file (or files), you can upload the special index.php to each location specified, allowing you to run IP.Content from more than one location on your site. IP.Content will then be able to parse any URLs you have configured for in the ACP.

Search Engine Optimization
A new configuration option has been added to the page configuration wizard which allows you to omit the page's filename from the URL when generated. This option will only work correctly for pages with the same filename configured under "Default home page" (index.html by default). The purpose of this setting is to indicate to IP.Content that when it generates URLs to the page, not to add the filename on to the end.

For instance, if you have configured IP.Content to run from the root of your site, you may want users to access the homepage through the URL "site.com/" rather than "site.com/index.html". This new option allows for you to tell IP.Content to do just that.

We hope you will find some or all of these new options useful. While these new capabilities aren't exactly whiz-bang new features, they allow you to more finely control how your site works, and after all - that's what IP.Content is all about!

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