Introduction to the framework
Find out how files are structured, key concepts and the coding standards used in IPS4's Javascript.
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In IPS4, most javascript is split into self-contained, named modules. Modules and javascript files have a one-to-one relationship - each javascript file should contain one module only. Modules prevent variables leaking into the global scope (which must be avoided), and helps ensure code stays focused. All modules appear under the ips namespace. Types of Module A number of primary types of module exist within the software: Utility Modules Exist on the ips.utils namespace, and p
Global scope & closure wrapping Variables must not be leaked into the global scope unless there is an explicit functional need for global access. Within function scope, variables must be declared with the var statement. To help prevent scope leaking, each script file should be entirely wrapped in an anonymous, self-executing closure, passing the jQuery and Underscore objects as parameters: ;( function($, _, undefined){ // Code goes here }(jQuery, _)); This prevents variable
Note: This documentation assumes you are running your installation with IN_DEV enabled. Due to the multi-application model that the IPS Social Suite employs, and the way that resources are bundled and served to the browser, there are a number of places in which different types of javascript files are stored. Development & production When developing for IPS4, you create your javascript files in the application or global directories, with a single file holding a single module. I
Overview Controllers are special modules that handle specific functionality on specific pages. They are not necessarily reusable in different contexts, although some may be. A controller is initialized on an individual element, and that element becomes the controller's scope. A controller responds to user events (such as click) and events triggered by UI widgets or sub-controllers, and manipulates its scope element accordingly. The scope of a controllers functionality is entirely flexi
What's a widget? UI widgets are modules that: Are instantiated on individual DOM nodes Provide some kind of UI functionality Benefit from being reusable Come with an automatic data API functionality A UI widget is created as a standard module, under the ips.ui namespace. Basic widget boilerplate ;( function($, _, undefined){ "use strict"; ips.createModule('ips.ui.widgetName', function(){ var respond = function (elem, options, e) { }; //
Mixins are a special type of controller that allow you to augment or change the functionality of an existing controller. This is particularly useful when you need to change something about how a built-in controller works. Basic structure This is the boilerplate for a mixin: ;( function($, _, undefined){ "use strict"; ips.controller.mixin('mixinName', '', true, function () { // Your code goes here }); }(jQuery, _)); The method signature is: