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IP.Board allows you to set "ACP Restrictions" which allow you to restrict which administrators have access to which areas of the Admin CP.

The two main pieces of feedback we hear about the ACP Restrictions system are:
- It should be easy to set up and manage ACP Restrictions, without having to check lots of boxes, but still remaining the high level of control of the current system.
- Administrators should only see the areas of the Admin CP that they have access to. Administrators should not get a "permission denied" error from clicking a link.

We recognise that particularly with addons such as IP.Content and IP.Nexus which mean the Admin CP is controlling many different sensitive aspects of your community, it is important that using ACP restrictions is becoming more common, and in IP.Board 3.2, we have improved on both these areas.

Setting Up

Setting ACP restrictions is granular - you give access to the application, the module and then areas in that module.

In previous versions of IP.Board, to give access to every area except one, you would need to check every checkbox. Now in 3.2, checking a checkbox which has "children" will automatically select all children. So if you want to give access to all areas except the "Forums" tab, you simply need to check 1 checkbox on each tab except Forums. On the other hand, if you want to give access to just the "Forums" tab, you simply check the 1 checkbox under the "Forums" tab.

If you don't want to grant access to a whole area, you can select individual permissions which will automatically select the required parents.

Restrictions In Action

The ACP will now only show areas that you have access to. For example, an Administrator who only has access to the Look & Feel section, will only see the Look & Feel section:

(The System tab always shows as the "Change My Details" page is always available)

The menu, both from the dropdowns at the top, and the menus at the side, only show the items that you have access to.

In addition, for a user likes this which can only see the Look & Feel tab and not the Dashboard, when they log in, they will be taken straight to the look and feel tab.

Feel free to comment on this blog entry below or, if you have feedback unrelated to this blog entry, start a new topic in our feedback forum. Be sure to check the What's New in IP.Board 3.2 topic for a running list of announced changes!