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We are pleased to announce that the beta releases of IP.Shoutbox 1.0.0 and IP.Tracker 1.2.0 are now available for immediate download!

IP.Tracker is a bug/issue tracking system, it allows members and staff to track certain issues, for examples, bugs within a project you are working on, or even building a house! IP.Tracker supports statuses, severities, and much much more to bring you an extensible Tracker to use however you wish to.

IP.Tracker 1.2.0 builds upon what was available in previous releases, whilst adding vital features such as sub-projects, custom fields, an advanced search library, and better database recognition of when an issue has been read.

IP.Tracker 1.2.0 has been developed by the Tracker team (krocheck, Jaggi, and Alex) but as stated in a previous blog entry, we will be introducing ways so that you, the community, can assist coding features, and fixing bugs.

Here is a list of the main changes in IP.Tracker 1.2.0

  • Subprojects - We have added functionality allowing you to add subprojects to an existing project
  • Custom Fields - Custom fields have now been implemented, and are very advanced, you can choose to only show a custom field in a certain project, and in the project edit screen, you can edit how custom fields are display in that particular project. Custom fields now also support permissions
  • Advanced Search - We have now added advanced search to IP.Tracker, and you can also search within a particular issue
  • Database recognition - We have changed how the database records if an issue is read, and there are no longer issues with it, as cookies are no longer used. We have also changed how issue changes are recorded to allow better recognition (statuses, severities etc.)
  • Last post information on project overview - A rather simple, but informative feature. Projects will now display last posts on the right hand column, just like IP.Board

As said, these are the main features in 1.2.0, however when we are nearer a stable release, we will post a full changelog.

We hope you like the changes in IP.Tracker, we certainly do! To discuss IP.Tracker 1.2.0, please use this topic.

IP.Shoutbox is our feature-rich chat room for your IP.Board without the need for Java, Flash or any other browser dependency!

One of the main concerns people had about the base we chose for IP.Shoutbox was server load, and query counts. We are pleased to inform you that the two developers, myself, and Brandon have been going through the code to try and reduce this as much as possible, and we think you will be impressed. Wherever possible, the majority of the content is cached, and this has rapidly shown in the query count. The original base code has 16 queries per page load, IP.Shoutbox has as little as 8, 5 of those being IPB queries themselves. We have got IP.Shoutbox down to three queries per page load, we said you'd be impressed!

1.0 is mainly a code rewrite, however more features will be added in future releases once the new code base is complete. There are a few changes from the base modification, outlined below:

  • No file edits - We promised we would do this, and we have, all that is needed is a simple skin edit, which also gives you the power of limiting the global shoutbox to certain skins!
  • Moderators - IP.Shoutbox now supports both groups and individual members, whilst the base only supported individual members

To discuss IP.Shoutbox, please use this topic.

Lastly we would like to express huge thanks to the developers for these two, amazing products: krocheck, Jaggi, Alex, vadim88, and terabyte!
As we said, this blog entry is a bit vague, but we will be posting more details over at the Community Projects page at IPS Resources when the time comes!