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  1. Thank you for your responses guys and much appreciated on the info regarding tickets being done here. Makes sense now! 🙂 I'm using SMTP I've been having a lengthy back and forth with Namecheap and it seems to be boiling down to... Subject line encoding? For example, in the EML file of my failed test email from Admin CP I can see this as the Subject line: Subject: =?UTF-8?B?VGVzdCBFbWFpbA==?= Since... Oooooh wait. I get it now... So like is mentioned in my topic title. There are two base64 errors: FROM_EXCESS_BASE64 and SUBJ_EXCESS_BASE64 I only realized now that those two errors are implying there is an issue with the "From" line and the "Subject" line. Interestingly enough, I can see that in addition to the Subject that the From line is also gobbledygook: From: =?UTF-8?B?RGFya01hdHRlcnM=?= <noreply@darkmatters.org> So i think this either an encoding issue (software side?) or a decoding issue (mail server side?) Is there a way to observe the email being generated by the forum software Admin CP test email before it gets interpreted by some other party?
  2. Hey there folks. I've been having a bit of an interesting time with our emails lately. I asked for assistance from my host Namecheap and they said that my forum system emails are bouncing or being rejected because there is no Message ID in email headers sent from my forum. Some emails get through and some don't Is this something I need to edit? Is there some place to set a message ID? They also mentioned a couple other errors. This is what they said: This problem is happening on both registration validation emails and also when I send a Test Email through the Admin CP. Any ideas? This is just completely breaking me. I can't figure it out. 😵 I can provide EML file examples. Should I redact some info from EML file? P.s. I updated to the latest forum version and also updated my theme but sadly it did not improve the situation. Also... Is the Ticket System gone from Invision Community?
  3. Glad to read that this one is being worked on. Thanx Matt! In recent months my hobby, darkmatters.org, has turned into quite a busy place that's required me and my co-owner to upgrade our hosting package. We really need to monetize our forum just to keep up with expenses these days. :blink: We've been going over the Subscription Manager on our 2.3 board and have nearly completed two packages. Looking forward to this Subscription Manager so we can upgrade. :)
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