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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by WebCMS

  1. On 9/23/2024 at 6:24 AM, Daniel F said:

    I can't reproduce this.

    Pages work different, there's also separate database setting called "Edit own records indefinitely" which controls this for databases.

    Could contain: Page, Text, Chart, Plot

    Could you please take a look to see if this is enabled?

    That resolved the issue.

    But now we see "Report Article" option and allowing us to report on our "own" article. This option should be enabled only for other users who are not the authors of the article. This option is also available with the above switch on or off.

  2. 1 hour ago, Marc said:

    I'm not sure I understand what you are asking for here. The intention of the platform is to make life easy for users. Its not clear why exactly you would want people not to be able to download calendar entries

    It is laborious and time-consuming to create hundreds of events each year and maintain them.

    Competing sites could download our hard-worked events and upload into their site calendars without any effort.

  3. The Revisions link has a class assigned to it that is conflicting with the class of another item on Events page and cannot be used exclusively.

    #elCalendarSettings, a.ipsButton.ipsButton_link.ipsButton_verySmall.ipsButton_fullWidth
    .ipsApp .ipsButton_link

    Please assign an ID (or a unique class) to the Revisions link.

  4. You can integrate Google Search on your site using Google's infra as an alternative search option for accurate and blazing-fast searches (including single-char searches) and offer its submenu under Activity menu. Google Search also offers custom synonyms, custom autocomplete, search-result augmentation from web, sorting, refinements, promotions, query enhancements, search settings, page restrictions, image search, safe search, sites to search, excluded sites, restricted regions, language selection, etc. and also offers APIs -


  5. On 9/12/2024 at 7:29 AM, Philooo said:

    Members of my community complain about the difficulty in finding information with the search integrated into Invision
    They tell me that they find what they are looking for more easily by asking for their keywords in Google and adding the name of my site ...

    Apart from the Elastic Search option offered in the Admin, is it not possible to integrate a Google search as proposed by Google in its Adsense offer for example?

    That is using Google's infra to perform search which uses a plethora of features from software to hardware to caching to faceting to document search to photo search to  translation to AI search...

    IC uses MySQL search and even obeys MySQL's FT_MIN_WORD_LENGTH default of 3 chars (search terms shorter than 3 chars are not searched).

    A poor-man's search functionality was suggested here to use Porter's PHP Stemming class (includes plurals and other variations) along with a Thesaurus dB for synonyms in PHP itself to offer powerfull full-text search for free (most sites don't need Elasticsearch) -


  6. Suddenly, the Articles on our site are disabled without any notice. In Client Area, our plan shows as active until Oct 31. However, the last purchase was made on November 28, 2023 for a year and it should be active until Nov 27, 2024.

    In the ACP, it says -

    This feature isn't available

    This feature isn't currently available on your current plan.

    Ideally, there should be some 2 weeks of advanced notice instead of turning off features like this abruptly.

    Please advise...

  7. 13 hours ago, Marc said:

    CKEditor no longer exists in 5, so that will not make it to core 🙂 

    I meant to say to add the script to the current IC v4.

    I've tested the newly posted script and found it working as expected in IC v4. If you can add this fully functioning script in IC v4, it would be one less thing to worry about for all of us using color themes in IC v4 to maintain changes across monthly updates:

    What editor does IC v5 use?

  8. When Quick Search is disabled for Guest users, it does not render the Search input field as expected. However, this might result in making non-savvy guest users thinking that the site does not have a search feature.

    Instead, display a dummy div similar to the search input that cannot be edited and has a placeholder text and "not-allowed" cursor to indicate its availability to logged-in users only which may encourage guests to sign up. It's not a readonly input that could be manipulated in the inspector to submit. This will also ensure positional integrity. You can see this implemented on our site.

    Could contain: Text


    Here is the (quick-n-dirty) code that went into the quickSearch template as its {{else}} part at its bottom - we applied our site's color #dae1e8 as its background to blend with the Default theme (you can use lightgray, etc):

    {{else}}{{// Your comment}}
        <div id="elSearchWrapper">
            <div id='elSearch' style="background-color:#dae1e8;cursor:not-allowed">
                <span class="ipsApp input" style="text-align:center;vertical-align:middle;line-height:2.5;font-size:13px;font-style:italic;padding:0px 16px">Login to Search...</span>

    Please make the above chunk as part of the IC core (with CSS ID selectors for the div and span) so do not have to tweak templates.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Jim M said:

    Keep in mind that email delivery is a tricky thing and also has factors beyond our control when it comes to it (i.e. email provider blocked the email, email inbox is full, email address was typed incorrectly, email address is disabled, etc..). They could also be blocked from our system because they reported an email spam. There are quite a few reasons beyond just the software. Without an email, I can't really give you an answer.

    As mentioned, the logs show you did not send and complete that process. You will need to ensure it goes through the whole process without error to send.

    Unfortunately, we're both unable to reproduce any issues here so I would just recommend watching it.

    Hi @Jim M I followed Continue and Proceed and did not find anything more than that. After clicking Proceed, it goes back to the Bulk Mail index page. Not sure why it displayed "Cancel" icon on the Bulk Mail index page after clicking Proceed and later switched to "Not started" with an option to "Resend". Unfortunately, I did not take screenshots.

    I checked the Gmail of the 2 test member accounts including Inbox, Spam, Trash, All Mail folders and nothing received yet. These are brand new Gmail accounts validated with the site and no issues like inbox full or getting reported as spam. I get other notifications from the site to these accounts fine. The last email received on these test accounts was on Aug 10 with the subject line, "Did this answer your question?"

    How can I PM you the usernames of these 2 accounts? I find your messaging is disabled.

  10. Currently, there seems to be no option to send out Bulk Mail on a schedule like once a week or once every other week. Sending bulk mail manually is old-fashioned and cannot be done consistently as humans.

    Please add this scheduling option to automate this as filters would take care of targeting the recipients.

  11. On 8/23/2024 at 6:57 AM, Jim M said:

    I sent your bulk mail and it sent within a minute:

    Could contain: Text

    Is there an issue with the Bulk Mail module? Some emails have not arrived even 2 days after you sent.

    1) In the past and also 5 days ago, when I finished the steps "Continue" and "Proceed", it always showed "Cancel" icon on the Bulk Mail index page and after a while, it said "Not started" and the emails never got sent out. But when you sent it, it worked and some emails arrived but a couple of test accounts have not received the bulk mail yet (their Newsletter option is set to Email).

    2) I created a copy of the Bulk Mail targeting admins and it worked.

    This is not consistent. Is there anything else other than Continue and Proceed steps? Because the same steps on the copy of the bulk mail (#2 above) worked for me but did not on #1 above (I did not retry #1 to avoid spamming members as you already sent it).

    Bulk Mail is a marketing module and it needs to work rock solid.

  12. On 8/21/2024 at 7:36 AM, Jim M said:

    Was the bulk mail finalized and sent? I don't see that is was. Do you mind if I send it again?

    Is there an issue with the Bulk Mail module? Emails have not arrived even after 3 days.

    is there a page to view Bulk Mail send history and send statuses? How would we know if the mails went out, how many, when and to who without a tracking report?

    Is there a way to schedule Bulk Mail sends to automate it instead of sending manually? Every software I've seen has options to schedule such tasks to make them happen automatically without human intervention.

  13. On 8/19/2024 at 8:14 AM, 2TonWaffle said:

    It is possible to link comments within the Pages module into Forums but, would love to see the ability to do this from within the Blog module as well. Currently, blog posts have their own, separate comments, and having the option of linking it to the forums would be a nice feature to have.

    Also an option for Events to use Forums for comments so all event comments are in one place (similar to Article using Forums for comments).

  14. On the Members page in ACP, there is a Locked filter on the top.

    Could not find an option to lock members in ACP or frontend profile.

    How to lock members and what is the difference between a spammer and locked member?

  15. 10 hours ago, Jim M said:

    Was the bulk mail finalized and sent? I don't see that is was. Do you mind if I send it again?

    I saved the email body and then it prompted, Continue Editing or Proceed with 50 recipients (including myself) matching the filters. I clicked Proceed and it went back to bulk mail listing page showing "Cancel" icon on the bulk mail row. After a while it changed to "Not Started" with Resend option.

    I did not see a Finalize step other than the above. Please clarify steps..

    is there a page to view Bulk Mail send history and send statuses?

    Is there a way to schedule Bulk Mail sends to automate it instead of sending manually? Every software I've seen has options to schedule such tasks to make them happen automatically without human intervention.

    Please go ahead and send it again.

  16. Still haven't received the bulk mail sent out yesterday,.

    Is there a way to schedule Bulk Mail sends to automate it instead of sending manually? Every software I've seen has options to schedule such tasks to make them happen automatically without human intervention

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