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Esther E.

Invision Community Team
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  1. Haha
    Esther E. got a reaction from rastafari in Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500   
    My crystal ball is out of order.
  2. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from abobader in Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500   
    It's been fixed for the next beta, the upgrade scripts will take care of it. 
    Until that's released though, the only fix is to manually clean these records out. 
  3. Agree
    Esther E. got a reaction from Steven W. in Bug: Member listener onProfileUpdate member object does not have latest group changes   
    In that case, this is the correct behavior.
    The onProfileUpdate event is triggered before the object is updated, which is intentional. Use the $changes array to see the latest data.
  4. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Mike Gholson in Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500   
    My crystal ball is out of order.
  5. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Omri Amos in custom css vs. custom header   
    The custom CSS in v5 will be inserted into the header as a <style> tag, so it's essentially the same thing.
  6. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from T. Batuhan BULGURLULAR in Customize Home Page   
    If this is the page that is linked to the database, that main area will be locked. That's by design.
    If you want a page independent of a database, you can create a new page and use the RecordFeed widgets instead of the Database widget.
  7. Like
    Esther E. reacted to Nathan Explosion in Group Formatting does not save   
    I know.
    I am just providing more flesh on the paltry bones of the original report of the issue for v4 so it can be fixed there.
  8. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in Group Formatting does not save   
    That's for version 5. I think this topic is regarding version 4?
  9. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from SoloInter in Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500   
    It's been fixed for the next beta, the upgrade scripts will take care of it. 
    Until that's released though, the only fix is to manually clean these records out. 
  10. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Mike Gholson in Upgrade went through perfectly, however I receive a HTTP ERROR 500   
    It's been fixed for the next beta, the upgrade scripts will take care of it. 
    Until that's released though, the only fix is to manually clean these records out. 
  11. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Baian007 in Forum Type is missing   
    It's been on my list for a bit.
  12. Haha
    Esther E. reacted to All Astronauts in [v5B1][Install Selfhosted] Went perfectly   
    Aside from a few early quirks for self-installs amongst the dev group, I don't think there was any hitches on installs.
    Upgrades. That's where the fun is going to be*
    *for some values of fun. Fun may vary from place to place. Offer not valid when upgrading directly from version 4.2 or lower.
  13. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Andy C in Is it possible to have "About Me" tab selected when clicking on profile link?   
    I can think of a way to do this on v5. Reordering tabs would be a little trickier, but still doable.
  14. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Andy C in Is it possible to have "About Me" tab selected when clicking on profile link?   
    We're not putting in any more enhancements at this point, but I have put this on my personal wish list for 5.x.
  15. Agree
    Esther E. got a reaction from David N. in Is it possible to have "About Me" tab selected when clicking on profile link?   
    We're not putting in any more enhancements at this point, but I have put this on my personal wish list for 5.x.
  16. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from David N. in Is it possible to have "About Me" tab selected when clicking on profile link?   
    I can think of a way to do this on v5. Reordering tabs would be a little trickier, but still doable.
  17. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in Is it possible to have "About Me" tab selected when clicking on profile link?   
    I can think of a way to do this on v5. Reordering tabs would be a little trickier, but still doable.
  18. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Jim M in Using Coupon Codes on Subscriptions?   
    Just so you know... you will be able to do this in v5. Coupons will be able to be restricted to a specific subscription/course/etc.
  19. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from PinPics in Using Coupon Codes on Subscriptions?   
    Just so you know... you will be able to do this in v5. Coupons will be able to be restricted to a specific subscription/course/etc.
  20. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Marc in Templates question in IC5   
    It no longer works this way in v5.
  21. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in Templates question in IC5   
    It no longer works this way in v5.
  22. Like
    Esther E. reacted to Matt Finger in Invision Community 5: Editor Permissions and Custom Embeds   
    These are on our list but will likely not make it in the initial Community 5 release. Tables sound simple enough, but when you factor everything that goes into delivering a powerful table system - background color, border color, border width, what type of content can go in a cell, what to do about overflow, actions applying to the entire row/column etc - and make it not only powerful but easy to use and reliable, the dev time really adds up.

    🤔 😉
  23. Haha
    Esther E. got a reaction from Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    I would just throw my hands in the air and go back to bed. Or I'd tell you to uber me more coffee.
  24. Like
    Esther E. reacted to Matt in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Little update: bugs are being squashed slightly faster than they are being reported, which is a good sign.
    We've got two blogs queued up, one for tomorrow and one for next week. I've just seen the video Ehren has put together and it's his best yet. It's fitting that he opened the v5 video blogs, and has created the last. That should be out next week. We will have a bunch of other blogs after, but this is the last major feature reveal.

    As for alpha testing v5, don't worry because...

    (After we've got things a little more stable or the bug report forum will be like Harry Potter's living room but instead of trying to stop Harry opening an invitation to Hogwarts, I'll be trying to stop our devs from having a breakdown).
  25. Haha
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in Invision Community v5: An update, and next steps   
    Compassionate indeed. I've been out for the last 2 days, just imagine what my inbox looks like... 😭
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