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Esther E.

Invision Community Team
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  1. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from konon in IC5: Commerce   
    You'll need a custom application for v5 regardless, so you might be better served with creating a separate location in the ACP to upload this software and link it to a purchase.
    Then, use a template hook to display the download in the client area when the user views the purchase. OR... have a separate, dedicated front-end controller that displays the user's own files. Much cleaner from a coding perspective.
  2. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Myke Pro in IC5: Developer Center   
    Request granted. I've been working on this today.
  3. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from DSystem in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    That will be dealt with in UIExtensions. We're wrapping some things up on those before the blog entry, but it's coming.
    We will be removing the block on base classes and you'll be able to add listeners to \IPS\Content\Item (or Comment or Review).
  4. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from BN_IT_Support in IC5: Updating your Applications   
    Custom applications will remain untouched. That includes files and data. For development environments, you would upgrade to v5 and then start with updating your files. It was mentioned above that this might be impractical, but the reality is that every file must be modified regardless; at the very least, the class needs to be renamed to remove the underscore.
    In a live environment, your application would be disabled and locked until a new version is uploaded. Note that we did this when upgrading to 4.5 as well.
    Plugins will be deleted completely, as the entire table is dropped. Your local files should still be present, though. 
  5. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from TSP in IC5: Updating your Applications   
    Yes and yes. 
  6. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from DawPi in IC5: Updating your Applications   
    Yes, but the alternative would be to uninstall and have data loss. 
    I figured the best solution is to leave everything in place so that when you create your application to replace the plugin, your installation can transfer those settings, etc to your app.
  7. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from DawPi in IC5: Updating your Applications   
    Custom applications will remain untouched. That includes files and data. For development environments, you would upgrade to v5 and then start with updating your files. It was mentioned above that this might be impractical, but the reality is that every file must be modified regardless; at the very least, the class needs to be renamed to remove the underscore.
    In a live environment, your application would be disabled and locked until a new version is uploaded. Note that we did this when upgrading to 4.5 as well.
    Plugins will be deleted completely, as the entire table is dropped. Your local files should still be present, though. 
  8. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Chris59 in IC5: Developer Center   
    Request granted. I've been working on this today.
  9. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Sonya* in IC5: Developer Center   
    Request granted. I've been working on this today.
  10. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Kirill Gromov in IC5: Developer Center   
    Request granted. I've been working on this today.
  11. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in IC5: Developer Center   
    Request granted. I've been working on this today.
  12. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Joey_M in IC5: Developer Center   
    Yes, it checks all of those things.
    To clarify: It actually does NOT scan for used language strings. It scans for required/suggested language strings. So for example, it reads your acpmenu.json and makes sure that you have all the 'menu__' strings set up.
  13. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from teraßyte in IC5: Developer Center   
    Yes, it checks all of those things.
    To clarify: It actually does NOT scan for used language strings. It scans for required/suggested language strings. So for example, it reads your acpmenu.json and makes sure that you have all the 'menu__' strings set up.
  14. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from annadaa in IC5: Commerce   
    Not at this time. 
  15. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from AlexWebsites in IC5: Commerce   
    We can look into the first one.
    The second one is not on the road map at the moment. 
  16. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in IC5: Commerce   
    Technically the cart will accept any item, you'd just have to add the button on your end to add it to the cart.
  17. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from teraßyte in IC5: Commerce   
    Technically the cart will accept any item, you'd just have to add the button on your end to add it to the cart.
  18. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IC5: Commerce   
    Technically the cart will accept any item, you'd just have to add the button on your end to add it to the cart.
  19. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    Yes, it's fired on \IPS\nexus\Invoice\Item. you specify the item type you want to listen on, so in your case you'd create a listener on downloads\extensions\nexus\Item\File.
  20. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IC5: Menus   
    Probably with the new template hooks (which we haven't blogged about yet), but I confess I don't remember all the hook points offhand. 
  21. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    Yes, it's fired on \IPS\nexus\Invoice\Item. you specify the item type you want to listen on, so in your case you'd create a listener on downloads\extensions\nexus\Item\File.
  22. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Maxxius in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    We added the following methods to the Member listeners:
    onReact onUnreact onFollow onUnfollow As mentioned in previous comments on this entry, we allowed for listeners on base classes, like \IPS\Content\Item.
    I'm not sure what other suggestions you're referring to regarding listeners. Was there something specific?
  23. Thanks
    Esther E. got a reaction from Adriano Faria in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    We're actually still adding a few things to the listeners, as there were some points that came up as we continue development. I do plan on posting a follow-up in the comments here when we're closer to finalizing those changes. Right now it looks like there may still be more, so I'd rather wait for a bit.
  24. Like
    Esther E. reacted to Adriano Faria in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    Of course. What I'm trying to do is get some answers as we're left in the limbo.
  25. Like
    Esther E. got a reaction from SeNioR- in IC5: Introduction to Listeners   
    We added the following methods to the Member listeners:
    onReact onUnreact onFollow onUnfollow As mentioned in previous comments on this entry, we allowed for listeners on base classes, like \IPS\Content\Item.
    I'm not sure what other suggestions you're referring to regarding listeners. Was there something specific?
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