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Thomas Rutherford

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  1. I am cloud hosting on IPB and I'd like to backup my forums in case someone with access tries to tamper with it. How do I do so?
  2. Help! I accidentally reset the nameservers on my domain, so now people can't join, and I have no way to reset the domain through the client area (says domain is already taken)
  3. We're not using SendGrid, we're using 'Invision Community in the Cloud' as the delivery method. What link are you specifically asking for by the way?
  4. Well no, they aren't clicking the links hours after, they're doing it immediately, and given I had just clicked the link sent to my email and tried to reset password, I got the same errors. It's affecting a large chunk of our users and I can't really tell where the issue lies. Note: It works and changes your password and allows you to log in, but not before seeing a bunch of errors first.
  5. They have been using their correct email addresses, yes. I force reset everyone's password and I tried resetting my password as well using my email address, and I got the same prompts and errors above.
  6. I have been having endless reports about users trying to register an account and trying to reset passwords sometimes links being sent to their emails and most of the time they aren't. If/when verification links are sent and the user clicks them, it tells them "You are not awaiting validation for a lost password request." I have no idea what to do or how to fix this issue because it's been a problem a large chuck of users have and continuously report. Website: https://www.rdrp.mp/ So overall two issues: (1) Verification links are not arriving in email inboxes; (2) Resetting password through "Forgot Password" option is being a pain and isn't working when people try to reset their passwords. When you enter new password and submit it says: "Something went wrong"
  7. Hello, for some reason the account 'Red Dead Roleplay' is meant to be an admin, but it isn't. There are no admin accounts at all on the forums and I can't log in to the ACP. Need help. https://h324054.invisionservice.com/
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