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Release Notes v5





Posts posted by Gouzi

  1. Last night there was an unidentified login with one of our Admin accounts and they deleted all our data.
    Please assist in performing a server rollback to when before the incident started.
    More details can be provided via dm.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    Please try disabling all 3rd party items and trying again. I suspect you have something there that is causing you issues

    Could contain: TextI'm not sure why even I run test email show limit exceed, my sentgrid not reach the limit yet

  3. HI, 

    last time the email I was using the free account gmail smtp so it has a limit, now I change to the Sentgrid business acc but I not sure why the email still mention using gmail and the gmail error. I've switch to sentgrid and change the setting also

    Could contain: Page, Text, Toy


    Could contain: Page, Text, Computer, Electronics, Pc

  4. 22 hours ago, Marc Stridgen said:

    I would need to know who the user is, and who you are logged in as. I can then check for you

    Surya Tiwari

    Above all user cant flag as spammer account. And the account id I used to login is Admin account the email same as now this account in forum(***removed by staff***)

  5. Hi

    Currently i want to flag some users as spammer, but when I click to flag showing the error "2C114/8 You cannot flag yourself, a moderator, or an administrator as a spammer". Those member are normal member not admin , user group also is Member 


    Can I know why cannot flag them to spammer?

  6. and I remember last time inside the "Manage Purchase" can view the domain address like this "pxxxxx.invisionservice.com" but now I could find where can check back this information, can you advise me where can I get back this info?


    if we would like to point the "def.com" domain to "abc.com" is it just use back the same "pxxxxx.invisionservice.com" analysis address?

  7. Cant configure inside the client area need to change inside the file of mine code ?

    4 minutes ago, Robert Angle said:

    Can you set the domain "DEF.com" to forward to "ABC.com" at your registrar? I know GoDaddy supports this.

    Alternatively, you can use a PHP redirect. Have your DEF.com/index.php file contain the following...

    header("Location: https://www.ABC.com");



  8. Hi I would like to know is it possible to add another url as our second domain, example now my site the domain is "abc.com", I wish to analysis the another domain "def.com", if user key in this "def.com" also will point and enter to my domain site "abc.com". Is it possible to do it and if can how can I do ? 

  9. my side recently keep happen very slow and keep getting "This community is temporarily unavailable" error. Every time visit a page in my site keep getting that error 

    what happen of this ? it's bother me so many days already, and now even I tried to upload a screenshot also not able

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