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Bret Tushaus

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  1. We are having problems where members are getting the "Banned", "You do not have permission to view this site" message. We've deleted them and recreated but they still get the banned message. In looking around the help guides and community forum it seems that the cause of banned relates to Spam Prevention. However, in looking at our configuration, we do not have "Ban member" enabled. So, my question is what else could be causing members to get banned? I've cleared all of the items from the Ban Settings list to get these members back but I'd like to understand how to prevent this moving forward. Thank you.
  2. I disabled access to our community for Guest Users, however somehow, they are still showing under groups (see attached). We have scoured all of the various settings and I believe we have disabled everything regards to guest access. What are we missing? We want to make sure we only allow actual members setup in the community...no guest access. Please help.
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