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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. What would be best email settings? Do I need to use a SMTP server? PHP is not enough? SendGrid? Any recommendations?
  2. I would love that Marc, thank you. Anything helps. I feel like abandoned in hell here.
  3. Are we talking about UTF8 conversion above and Markdown coversion? I did not receive any errors in the end. I understand you could not help with upgrade, but if I did it myself, I did it with provided 4.6.9 scripts. THAT is the version that did conversion. Right? Anyway, is there a conversion script I can use now?
  4. I did upgraded at 4.6.9 myself, no more 3.x. This is the new board working: www.bmwclub.ro This is all 4.6.9
  5. I barely succeded installing and upgrading the board from 3.1.4 to 4.6.9. As I understand I might be the only one doing such a feat. Started to browse through the board and encountered many things I need help with, like eg: Romania char conversion failed. Markdown failed. Search not working. Etc.
  6. Are you saying I bought the license 30 days ago? I think it was 22 december, and due to holidays I could not use half of it.
  7. I understand. But I had access there and it said 30 days, out of which I could use just a couple. I even posted some tickets there. You can check.
  8. How come I don't have email support anymore. I had it. Moreover clicking there does absolutely nothing. Also, I lost so many days of true support over holidays I was thinking we can extend it a bit but now I am missing it completely.
  9. What permissions I do not have? So I just tried. Local host admin cp works. Copied server host, like above.
  10. I truly do not understand. Third time on my local VM everything works perfectly.
  11. So package from client area as is, conf_global.php and database backup is enough?
  12. Thanks a bunch. I am now 3.4 and I have one instance of older backup working. I think I might have succeeded upgrading on local machine without any errors. Now the question is, while database is easy to move but to move, the files on empty server, can I install directly the downloaded package? Not moving anything else?
  13. So no, I did NOT missed anything. I run the whole 3.4 -> 4.6.9 procedure all over again from a backup and no, I got exactly in the same place, same error. I definitely need some help. I am surprised on local machine dry-run test all went perfect, twice. In exact same place. 10321. App core.
  14. Yeah, but I where to get them from? The upgrader list them one by one and I just copy/paste. So if I missed one, I don't have it. I restore 3.4 backup and give it another go for now. I will see if I get there at the same error or progress further. it's just 4h of waiting. 😶 I just know I was a bit confused, read the query, confused about running it or not, then clicked next. But it was not selected from copy/paste, so I might have missed it. (I do skimmed through it, and it seemed very similar with the one just run, not sure).
  15. I was running manual queries, and not sure if I not skipped one around here: Is there a way to see these and check if I did not skipped one manual query by mistake?
  16. Help! This is after 12h of work with no errors. Please help. I tried again, it send me in the same place. No other details given.
  17. I don't recall upgrade to look like this, however it still goes on. Is this normal?
  18. Thanks to all the team for such prompt help! 🤩 You are all rockstars! Thanks, I need it!
  19. Keep fingers crossed. AND HUGE THANK YOU! For me it's now or never. I cannot go to sleep until I upgrade. Changed as you instructed, hit refresh at convert and it started as normal. Not sure, I did something wrong? I definitely hope not.
  20. if ( \is_array( $nextBatch ) and \count( $nextBatch ) and ! \count( $batch ) ) this
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