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Release Notes v5





Everything posted by dutchsnowden

  1. Ah, ok. I was thinking to switch from the "default" php to the "recommended" cron jobs.
  2. I think forum is replacing text smileys with something non-existent. Can I replace those in Admin CP, with some other images? I deleted two ancient custom emoji tables I had, is it possible these were from there?
  3. Why did you switched back to running them with traffic?
  4. I will get back to this in a bit. SendGrid works now.
  5. I will do this and see if it works. And report back. Darn stupid me, never thought that is the problem. Works like a breeze. Thank you!
  6. I started the manual rebuilding process, but this is so so slow it will never be done I hope when this is done, search will work.
  7. HTTPS defiinitely works on my website. Friendly URL's also work currently with provided .htaccess. But because of this .htaccess file, everything something is clicked it goes back TO HTTP. Should I just preconfigure HTTP -> 301 -> HTTPS by default for everything or is there a procedure for this?
  8. Under what user account do you recommend running the crontab tasks? Is there anything else I should be careful about? Maybe a short guide? I do know how to set crontab.
  9. Mail seems to work, but some errors in the log, when I re-try them give this error message above.
  10. I configured and paid SendGrid. But now I encounter this error
  11. Not sure what the "non-default" theme is and how to delete it? Can you help? "Disable Customizations" does not help. Pressing orange button, renders this message and does nothing, just creates one more IPS Default theme... I want to delete ANY and ALL third party customizations. I don't need anything. Each time I pressed disable it created new IPS Default theme. The one on top is the default theme created by the upgrade. The one "BMW Club Romania" I just renamed it and changed some colors. I do not need any. Just default.
  12. OK. I administer my own dedicated server. I will check. Is there any error logging from invision community?
  13. My server does not run currently a SMTP server. OK, thank you anyway Jim.
  14. Sure, but how it is trying to send? SMTP send should not depend on my domain settings. Where to I set the outgoing server for PHP?
  15. Not sure what that means. This is a dedicated server, hosted in Frankfurt. Email is handled by gmail.
  16. Upgrading recently from 3.1.4 via 3.4, I have noticed that search is not working. Regardless of what is searched for nothing is found.
  17. Removed it, let's give it another go. Removed it, but still not working, now this:
  18. Yes, inherited from 3.1.4 apparently.
  19. I can see you cannot upload SVG for the logo or icons. Is this somehow possible?
  20. I tried changing these settings temporarily to PHP and received an error about this below in conf_global.php. This is what I receive when configuring PHP as temporary solution.
  21. Wow. I really hope I never go again through the upgrade nightmare.
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