Everything posted by Matt
IPB 3.X - Old PM System
There's no need to forward a copy anymore, you can just invite them into the conversation. Is there a legitimate need to forward a copy? I ask without sarcasm. If there's a genuine need then we can consider adding it.
- Nice Job
Subscription Manager Suggesting
Regarding the very first post: You have options now to allow a grace period for renewals. This means you can allow, say, 2 days for a renew to take place before demoting the member. You can also allow one to renew a package earlier than their expiration date. With regards to RC2: I'm working on it today. I'm hoping to have it wrapped up this week and final out soon after. RC 2 will be considered stable and we'll support it.
How Alpha testing is handled?
It's a fine line. Some people see an alpha product and judge it completely there and then even though it most likely has an unfinished interface and missing functionality. Typically we perform closed alpha testing and open it up to customers when most of the bigger issues have been fixed.
IP Addresses
Yeah. I've thought about this a few times. After a few months the 'ip_address' is almost pointless for most users. Although the posts show the IP Address used for that post, if that helps and we have an IP look up tool that canl list all recorded IP addresses attached to a particular member.
I don't understand the spam management process
The only issue with deleting PMs and Posts is that deleting posts is incredibly expensive. You'd certainly have to loop via refreshes in batches of 100 posts or so, I'd say due to the attachments check, topic and forum rebuilds. One thing the report center does currently lack is data on the person who created the item that was reported. It would be lovely to have their details to hand with links to "Flag as spammer" and "Warn Member". But then, the report center is a recent addition and its bound to mature over time.
RTE for Safari
Yeah, it's on our list. In the top half, I'd say. No firm idea when it will be added as we're still handling bigger issues.
How Alpha testing is handled?
It depends on the product, really. We don't have anything in alpha testing right now so it's hard to give a definitive answer. In the case of IP.Board 3, we opened up a preview board and invited all our members and customers to visit it, find bugs in the public interfaces and give us feedback. Typically we start with a small group and work outwards as development progresses. In the very early days there are bound to be numerous bugs and having more than a handful of people just makes it difficult to track issues.
[Suggestion] Search API
The XML skin is one huge API, really. It's great for syndicating content and completely transforming how you display data.
I don't understand the spam management process
Kind of. Once in the report center, you can click on the topic link at the top of the report center's page. Once the topic has loaded, click the mini-profile pop-up button () and click the mark as spammer icon (it's the first one; it has a red flag). Assuming you've set up your ACP's settings for spam management to unapprove their recent posts, this is all you need to do. Routinely, say every day or so on a busy board, you can then log into the ACP, click on 'Manage Spammers' under the 'Members' tab and delete or ban the members and remove their posts in one go.
Unable to download IP.Board 3.0.2 from Client Area
Yes, sorry. We froze the download while we double checked everything was set. It's now been re-enabled.
A Compliment
Thank you! We appreciate you taking the time to post this.
New staff avatars
As Brandon noted, we will remove anyone's avatar if we feel they are trying to mimic staff. That's not because we're incredibly mean and selfish it's just that it gets confusing for others if at first glance you look like staff. If Brian doesn't have the time to create and release a generic logo free version then that should be respected.
IP. Subscription Manager
I will be around, don't wory. :) I can assist the techs if they need it and can deal with any critical issues if they arise.
How to install Sphinx with IPB
This is just a one off. sphinx.pdf
Future Request: Admin and Public MySQL Users
Yeah, we have considered this. It wouldn't take too much effort to do although arguably each user will have access to the same data so I'm not entirely sure what the point would be. Both need access to members, posts, topics, forums, logs, etc. I can't think offhand of one table that isn't required by both systems.
Future Architecture Request: move topics and posts into core application
The two biggest obstacles are legacy issues and size issues. No one with more than 500k posts is going to want to run queries to update or move the posts to a new system. It could potentially take hours to complete. Another consideration is size. Some operating systems impose a 4gb limit on a single file. We've had some customers who've hit this problem with the datafile for their posts table. Lumping all 'post' type data into one table will only exacerbate the issue further. You'll also have locking issues if a lot of applications are constantly reading writing to a single large table as well as maintaining indexes required for full text searching. It's one of those normalization theories that is sound but limited by the back-end software.
Anyone gonna attend to the IPS Site project?
We are aware of the tracker category and have scheduled in some time to fix them. The pressing priorities are 3.0.2 (and all apps) along with MSSQL and the subscriptions manager. None of the bugs are critical and affect the ability to view information or make purchases. On a personal level, there's nothing more annoying than being criticized with an exaggeration. :)
fast reply's icons are twisted here, fixed?
This occasionally happens in IE7. A refresh should fix it. We've never been able to reproduce this reliably enough to look into it any further.
Powered By IP.Board 3.0.2 © 2009 IPS, Inc.
This is almost solely bug fixes and efficiency improvements. And better Sphinx support.
How to install Sphinx with IPB
In all fairness, there is nothing stopping you from downloading all the resource articles while you have access and make your own offline archive. If you want access to the customer forums, resources articles and support then you just need to pay the $30 renewal for another year's access. :)
IPS makes me all warm and fuzzy inside
Thanks so much, that means a great deal to me personally. I'm going to print it out and hang it on my wall.
How to install Sphinx with IPB
The resources site is for those with active support on their license. It's only $30 for 12 months for perpetual license holders.
IP.Board Loses Traffic Rank on Alexa
Alexa rely heavily on users having the plug-in for their browser so I would be incredibly wary of any statistics that it generates. In any case I have no idea why it would consider IP.Board profiles separate from the rest of IP.Board. They quite clearly use the same mark-up, design and URL as the rest of the board.
IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta 3 Available
Updated: IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta 3 is available now! We're pleased to announce that IP.Subscriptions 1.0.0 Beta is available for download from your client center. This is the second beta release of the subscriptions manager that is compatible with IP.Board 3.0. Many long standing bugs and issues have been fixed in this release including: Recurring subscription cancelation immediately ending subscription and demotes member Multiple currency issues Inaccurate reporting of totals Incorrect end date calculation after upgrading ...and many more As always, please do be aware that this is a beta product and should not be used in a live environment without testing first. Please also be aware that currently only the PayPal and Postal Method gateways work correctly. Other gateways will be converted over the next few weeks once the framework has been finalized. A fairly big change is how multiple currencies are handled. From 1.0.0 Beta 2 onwards you will need to specify a currency for each subscription package. This is to ensure that the correct value is calculated for payment regardless of the current exchange rate. If you are upgrading from a previous release and have non USD subscription packages set up, please go via the ACP and edit these to select the correct currency code to use. The following items are to follow in the next release: Pre-installed hook to display current subscription settings (You are subscribed to package X which runs out in X days) Force the user to cancel a current recurring subscription before upgrading to another Ability to renew a subscription before it expires (ACP configurable). Due to a bug since fixed in IP.Board 3.0.2, you'll need to ensure that the guest member group can view the board and that you do not enforce all guests to log in if you are testing with PayPal. Please report any issues in the bug tracker as normal.