Everything posted by Matt
Achievements - Days/Months/Years of Active Membership
- How are achievement points calculated?
I think we have our wires crossed a bit. There's two options for time based rewards: - Consecutive days logged in - Time since registration The latter, time since registration does go from the join date, so if that's not working correctly let me know.- How are achievement points calculated?
We log log-ins in a separate table now, but of course that table only existed with 4.6 and it's not possible to populate it from pre 4.6 data. So moving forward it won't be an issue, even with a rebuild.- Favicon is using wrong image
I think browsers look at all the possible images and pick the one they want to use.- 429 Too many requests
I would ask them to define what they mean by "too many". It could mean 5000, or it could mean 5. It sounds like a host that is trying to fit large sites on small footprints.- Here we go again.. Facebook action required
Go and install the patch we released yesterday. There is an issue with social log in buttons when used with the quick register form.- Can't figure out why new posts are being held for moderation
Also check System > Settings > Posting > Links to make sure you're not holding posts with links (which includes attachments) for moderation.- Release Anomolies
I released a patch today. You will be alerted inside your ACP.- Hump Day: share one of your community building goals
I would imagine the silence is just a period of reflection and deep thought.- Unread topics in topic feeds.
This. We cache widgets so we can't show the read/unread styling. It's been this way since 4.5 (2020).- Redis 6 compatibility
It should already clear out Redis. If it doesn't, that's a bug. Although to be clear, it "clears" the Redis cache by changing the prefix used for all Redis keys. So you will still have a lot of data in Redis just after you cleared caches, but the Redis TTL will clear them out eventually because Invision Community will no longer ready/write to those specific keys. So if you spot lots of data still in Redis after hitting "Clear Caches" then that's not a bug. If you clear caches and Redis is still returning 'old' data to Invision Community directly, that is a bug.- Add JSON Schema for Pages App and other rich snippets!
It's in our back log. We'll get to it pretty soon though.- Redis 6 compatibility
Redis is not a cache for the database in the literal sense. We use Redis as a cache for data that is otherwise stored in the database to allow us to retrieve it quickly, but it doesn't assist queries directly like that.- Upgrade to
Just make sure all the files from /applications/forums/data/ are up to date on your server.- Hump Day: 4.6.5 is officially out! 🎈
Yeah, I made a pretty sizeable mess of the release. The team had to rescue it while I was away from my desk.- Hump Day: 4.6.5 is officially out! 🎈
During the build process, some of the line ending characters changed. It's safe to just keep using your custom.css when asked.- Recompute badges for only one member
This is a maintenance release for Invision Community 4.6.- How to write an article that has internal link.
Excellent, glad to hear you got it resolved. 🙂- Enable Solved For Pages CMS [Suggestion]
Now this is definitely on the roadmap. It's in the core framework, so just need to update Pages to use it.- How to write an article that has internal link.
How are you adding this HTML to the editor? Does your member group have permission to post HTML? All posts are cleaned to remove potentially breaking elements, but this is bypassed if you have permission to post HTML.- Member can login anonymously when function is disallowed?
I think it'd be worth submitting a support request so we can make sure there's not an issue elsewhere.- New update killed our "rank" system
There is an option when you upgrade to keep existing ranks, or use the new ranks. However, that information isn't much use to you right now. You can recreate the old system by re-setting up your old rank names and levels and disabling every achievement rule except the one for Comment/Reply and New Content Item. You won't need a recent back up, just one to show the previous names and rank levels.- Before I enable achievements, is everyone a newb/start at 0?
I see you had your questions answered. 🙂 Let me know if you need anything else.- How are achievement points calculated?
I think that's most likely the issue, so a rebuild after upgrading should fix it for you. - How are achievement points calculated?